Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sucrose, Sodium, Salivating-Salvation

Ok, well I'm back.
I had a great 9 days spent up in vermilion, saw some friends, did some homework, but mostly took time to cherish and enjoy what little time i get to spend with Cara. She went to school during the day which left me to play copius amounts of Civilizations 2, and read large quantities of books. For instance I finished reading a book my friend Tim Houghton lent me, called "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland. It was an enjoyable read, especially because it wasn't school related. I need some books being read on the side to keep me fresh and happy. I have spent quite a bit of time this semester investing time in reading simply for pleasures sake, which is something that up until now, i have never really been able to manage in my academic career. It has really been good, and also puts my time towards something slightly more useful then watching movies and playing video games, though i don't deny the usefulness of those two past-times. One other book i read while i was in vermilion was called "Man in Black" and it was Johnny Cash's first autobiography. There was not a great deal of new information for me in the book, being a big fan of Mr. Cash's I am well aware of many of the circumstances of his life, but hearing the same stories and so on from the perspective of Johnny Cash was enjoyable to say the least. Johnny told the story of his life through hymns, and spiritual songs, and with the whole purpose of the story showing God's faithfullness and love to a messed up human, who was running, or at least ignoring God. I appreciated the honesty with which Johnny Cash told his story, and i appreciated the focus with which he told it, to the Glory of God. Anyway, just thought i would check in, before i am innundated with people who want to talk to me and classes that want me to attend them. Have a good one, read a book, take a break.
Stay Fit and Have Fun

Song of the day: "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard. Yesterday, when Cara and I were driving around doing wedding stuff, this some came on the radio. It was awesome, until Cara told me she hates that kind of music....oh well, you can't win 'em all, but you should check out this song, just in case you do like this kind of music.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

It's time for me to go.
Not in a fatalistic way,
or a way that would include
purposefully ending my own
But in a way
that refers to the leaving of one's
current city or residance, and
the arrival of said person
in a town or city
differant from the one which
the person is
This may hamper my blogging,
and by hamper I don't mean
make my blogging
then it already is.
I simly am referring to the
consistancy with which i
try to blog for
If I were to choose
to have you listen to one
piece of music
that i think is good
it would have to
be a song by the band
Matchbox 20, because when i went
to the bank, i heard their song
It was nice
it was better then any song
by Madonna that i have heard
but not better then any song
by Michael Jackson:for instance
Billie Jean.
I am leaving now
parting is
such sweet

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Today in my poetry class, I had to write a paraphrase of a poem from our book, removing all the metaphors and simile within.

This is the original


This is my version. Compare and Contrast, but most importantly, enjoy.

My love is new
My love is nice to hear
You are physically attractive, my good female.
I really, really love this person
I will continue loving this person, until something seemingly
impossible happens.
till something seemingly impossible happens, my dear
and even to the end of earths existance as we
know it
and I will continue to love you, my dear
all the days of my life
I hope everything goes alright for you, you are the only person that i love
I hope everything goes alright for you, for a period of time
I will return to you, person that I love
I'm gonna be far away.

song of the day: Best of You - by the Foo Fighters. It's awesome. Check it out, if you are in the mood for a real rocker.

ps. Happy Valentines Day

Friday, February 10, 2006

Pink Floyd

Money....or lack there of, is the root of all dissatisfaction, and fear/uncertainty.

Song of the Day: Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones...you know the drill

Thursday, February 09, 2006

You'll Never Get Anywhere.....

On Raw Talent Alone.

I had this revelation last night. I was asked to organize a floor meeting where our brothers would compete against each other in a wrestling tournament to determine the wrestling champ of our floor. Now, I am just about as tough and smart in wrestling as any guy in the rez, and i proved that last night. I knew how to get my opponents to break submission holds, i knew how to wait for the right opportunity to slam my opponent, i have the strength to pick up every guy on the floor and slam them down. All this being said, I didn't win the tournament. I first wrestled a smaller, but incredibly buff, and martial arts expert in Duc. That was probably my best match ever. He is small, but strong, and knows how to make people tap out. But i was able to avoid and such situations, I was able to use my weight to an advantage, and after a gruelling near 10 minute match, i forced him to give out. Now, the truth is, these wrestling matches can be brutal. When it's over, whether you win or you lose, you are generally pretty sore, and out of breath. I am more so out of breath because I am fat. So the match with Duc was long and arduous but i came out with a victory. Then i had to wait for the next round to begin, where i was scheduled to fight a young man named Andrew. He didn't take as long as Duc, but i did have to slam him hard a few times and then cause him to submit. So, I Was into the third of a fourth possible round, where i now had to face Matt Russell, in what would be known as a T-Night Rematch from 2003 in Regina. Now, no offence to Matt, but I could beat him. I'm stronger, I have more wrestling know-how, and just in general, I can beat him. But by this point, I was tired, and had lost my ambition to work really hard for a victory. So, Matt Russell, ran circles around me and I wrestled a defensive style that seemed to work, and I almost got him into a perfect submission hold that would've vaulted me all the way to the finals, but alas. He got me down, I tried to fight it, but by this point, i had no strength left, and he pinned me. So, I lost a match, that i would've almost certainly won, had it not been my third match of the night. This is to prove that, I can't get by on my raw strength alone. I need discipline, and practise, and endurance, to be able to do anything where i have a raw, untapped skill.

I actually had a realization like this many years ago whilst i was still in High School. I was in Choir, and I was a boy (still am a boy, well actually a man, but you know what i mean). Anyway, I am a good singer. Not American Idol good (though my aunt thinks so), but good. Once again, i have raw talent, which means, i have to ability without practising to be a better singer then the average person. When I was in Choir, my disgusting choir teacher, challenged me to go farther. To develop my talents, to work hard at them, and see where they would take me. Partially because I didn't want to pursue a career in music, and partially because i wanted to piss him off, i worked even less hard at choir and music.

So basically, all i want you to know is that if you have a talent or skill, and you want to show and use it, you won't get very far unless you work hard to hone it and develop it. (Sound Familier Spiritual Gift People!?)

Song of the Day is "Flight Recorder from Viking 7" by Matthew Good Band. This song is off one of the limited edition E.P's, but it also appears on disc two of the recent greatest hits release by the band. It is an amazing song that features wonderful back-up vocals, by Holly McNarland.
If y'all got the means and or the desire, i implore you to explore not only your talents and God given gifts, but also this song.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Hoora, Hooray, Hoos Hall

Just in case you were wondering....I passed my accreditation interview. What a great experiance. Thanks to all of you in Alberta, B.C., Israel, and Manila who prayed. I feel like King David when the Ark of the Covenant is returned and he is dancing in a linen ephod and his wife gets mad. Except my Wife didn't get mad, and I'm not wearing a linen ephod (yet), but it's that similar God glorifying, Holy Spirit Joy that i have in my heart and in my feet. This is the best picture i could find of King David Dancing. I'm not is impressed, but this is an expression of how i feel.

This is the Day

Itès 10:13am, my accrditation interview is at 1:00pm, or for you military types, 1300 hours. I am starting to get tight feeling in my chest. Maybe it is because Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong announced thier break-up today. Or maybe it is because Stephen Harper was officially sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada today. Or maybe it is because in less then three hours I am going to be in my accreditation interview. Who knows right. Anyway, if and when i Pass, i hope to update this so as to make you aware of either my triumph or my failure. Please Pray for me during 1:00pm-2:30pm Alberta time. That is 12:00 pm-1:30pm BC time, 10:00pm-11:30pm Israel Time, and 4:00am-5:30am Manila Time. Although in Manila it will actually be February 7th 2006, while here still in Calgary it will be February 6th. Funny how Time Zones work huh.

Anyway, I should get back to freaking out.
Have a good one.