Friday, April 28, 2006


This is a quote I wrote on my floors white board earlier this evening.

"Death comes from not graduating when you should"
- Mike "2 More Classes" Schalin

These are five other quotes that i like.

"We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth."
John F. Kennedy, October 26, 1963

"There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done.'
C. S. Lewis

"Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family, can never be a real man."
Marlon Brando (as Vito Corleone) in The Godfather

My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun.
Al Capone

Anyway, hope you enjoyed those nuggets of truth, shared with us by both real and fictional characters.
If the song of the day section still existed as a regularly scheduled program, todays would consist of the song "Cold and All Alone" by MXPX, who paved the way for Christian bands who are actually good to cross over and gain mainstream support and success. Although, not many other "Christian bands" have been able to do it like MXPX has, which coincides with my point that most Christian Music actually sucks and has no appeal to the larger culture and public body of music listeners. I hope i don't have a shift in the music dept. tomorrow, though if i do, i plan to listen to Derke Webb's album, "Mockingbird" which was recommended to me a while back, but i have yet to listen to it, perhaps on the morrow.

This is the story of the hurricane

Despite what Matt Kinniburgh thinks, this blog is not about the wrestler formerly known as the hurricane, nor is it about a song by Bob Dylan.

My life has been a whirlwind. I have started my new full time job at Christian Publications, and while it is not overly difficult, i find it rewarding to connect with the shoppers who are looking for a good read, or a gift for someone, or whatever. Most customers are quite friendly and allow salespeople a little bit into thier lives in order to find the right item, and i have enjoyed it. It has been strange though, re-entering the realm of full time employment. After the first could days i felt like it had been years since i had worked a job, but really, it was because i had never worked this kind of job before and the training was an information overload. Anyway, i like my job, though my feet were really sore after yesterdays shift. I never knew being on your feet for eight hours could be so taxing.

After work yesterday i went and saw Death Cab for Cutie live in concert. They put on an awesome show despite a weak venue, and some techinical issues. They were much better then the co-headlining band Franz Ferdinand, who though they were not as bad as i thought they would be, were still not all that great. Death Cab played for just over an hour, and they managed to pack in 15 songs, i would've liked more but hey what can you do? Highlights came when they played the songs "Movie Script Ending", "I'll Follow you into the Dark" and the set closer "Transatlantacism". There were some great moments for me in the live renditions of these songs. It was strange, as much as i enjoyed Death Cab, I found it difficult not to compare the quality of show to the last two concerts i saw before this, which just happend to be Dave Matthews Band and Bob Dylan. In case you don't see what i am getting at, those are two of the tightest most awesome live acts ever, so other bands have a hard time matching up in live performances.

Also for the last month, i have been in the process of moving from the AUC-NUC-CTS-WTF dorms into my new apartment in Brentwood. This has been a mistake, because this slow moving process has made my moving long and drawn out which has not improved the feelings of accomlishment that come from a one day move. I have to be out of the dorm by noon on sunday, so i really oughta get cracking on that stuff. I don't have much left, but what i do have left, i have to move. I've thrown a lot out in this moving process as well- including, clothing, school stuff, notes from girls i used to like (well i actually burned those, a very liberating experiance to say the least) and so on.

Also since i last blogged i finished classes and exams. These were not that eventful. But i did have a celebratory lunch with my mentor from this last year at a greek resturant down in the community of Kensington. It was called Broken Plate, and it was delicious. George and I had a great time, as we did all year.

I'm really tired, but i get the feeling my sleep will not be restful. My friends graduate this weekend, and Matt and Sam are pretty much moving away. Crush my little spirit some more. These last two statements had nothing to do with the first, just to let you know. My neck is sore, i don't know how it happened. Maybe it happened while i was shelving some books in the category of "Women" at Christian Publications. Ps. I know how many club CP points you have....

Friday, April 14, 2006

Embarresing Life Story # 1 Million

So today was a day. I was walking back from the video store, and the topic of cartwheels somehow came up. Cara and Muffin didn't believe i could do one, but for some weird reason God endowed me with the uncanny and illegitimate ability to actually do a well executed cartwheel. So, i got steady, took aim, and boom, did a beautiful, olympic tumbling level cartwheel. Unfortunatly somewhere in between putting my one hand down and landing on my feet, i pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder region. So, since that time i have been struggling with actual insane pain and a loss of mobility in that region. How embarresing is that to pull a muscle or several muscles doing a cartwheel.....well, very embaressing. Also, i watched the movie Jarhead. It sucked don't bother with it, you will be disappointed, just like i am with the vancouver canucks. But thats a whole other post.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Trip North

My day began at 6:30am. What a terrible time to start a day. Cara and I had an adventure planned. We were going to Edmonton to visit her father who was recovering from a surgery at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in the aforementioned Canadian City.

We had a good day. We talked while we drove, we listened to music, we visited my good friend and faithful blog reader - Carmen, we visited her dad, we stopped at a mall (not West Edmonton thank the sweet merciful Lord), we had a meal with Cara's friend Tina, all in all, it was a pleasent, but exhausting day.

The high point of the day for me came towards the end of the adventure. Cara and I had been discussing spiritual things, like demons, oppression, possession, spiritual gifts, salvation, what a christian, and or a relationship with God can look like. Then we stumbled upon the topic of the differant ways people experiance and view God. What i mean by this, is our life experiance, and our salvation experiance influences the way we experiance and view God. For instance, if we were rescued by God from a horrible experiance like abuse, or addiction, that will change the truths about God that are most emphasized in our view of God. Say for instance again if you will indulge me, if you are someone who grew up without a father, this will impact the way you understand and relate to God, you may see him as the father you never had, or perhaps the imagry of God as father would be so foriegn to you that it actually drives you away from God. You see what I am getting at. I believe there are certain attributes of God that are undeniably true, but in the lives of individual humans, because of our experiances certian attributes are emphasized in our understanding and relationship with God, not to the denial of other truths about God, but emphasized. I don't think this is wrong.

This has led me to consider my own view of God, and straight from the heart to the keyboard here is my unedited, and severely humanly limited view of God. God is the creator and master of all. Nothing is outside his control. God is a loving father, who like loving fathers allows his children to experiance loss, pain, and failure, as to help them grow, and sharpen thier character. He longs to grieve with us in our suffering, and celebrate our joys. God is also the one who gives me purpose. Not just vocationally, but in everything, though i don't always act this way. God is a God of second chances, and not just a second chance at life, but life with a purpose and responsibility. Just what those are particularly we need to learn and test, and pray. He is a God who listens, and exists on a plane that is totally connected to his creation, but is also high above us, his ways are not our ways. He is perfect. He is Holy, and he calls us to be Holy, which is an incredibly difficult task, but one that we must strive for.

I could probably ramble on, but then theological education propoganda begins to take over where the heart leaves off.

Today i bought the latest album by a band called Calexico. I haven't given it a full and direct listen, so i'll have to let you know how it turns out. I will however leave you with two things. 1) A song of the day. "Call and Answer" by the Barenaked Ladies. This is a beautiful slow ballad type song by the Ladies who are Barenaked. It's got a great vibe to it, and it's about a relationship, so you know it's awesome. 2) Think on and discover how you view God, and how that effects the way you live your life, and the way you fulfill the mission he has given you.

I am not president of the Student Council which you know, but my feelings on this subject are mixed and very passionate despite thier mixtedness. Also, i am now an employee of Christian Publications. To learn more, go to this website.......

Peace, Love, and Grace be with you

Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Happening Early in the morning

A Quote

Matt Russell decrees that he will recieve his docterate before Jon Kramer, in contrast to the prophesy in the AUC-NUC Yearbook from 2003-2004.

I respond: "Yeah, but he will be ordained before you!"

He responds: "but that's because he's more spiritual then me....oh wait, don't tell him i said that!"

I retort: "I am going to go and blog that right now!"

And thus you have this blog. Enjoy this confession from the dance floor. What the heck is with me blogging late at night huh? Also, i am not president of the school student council. I am and was disappointed. Oh well.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"I'm finding it hard to believe, we're in Heaven"

That's right, Bryan Adams is the music of choice tonight. Weird considering i was listening to Norah Jones for the last hour or so as i put the finishing touches on my last major assignment of the year. Anyway, the point is: despite listening to a completely differant musical artist and also using what little brain power i have left to complete a fine research paper on "Community", i was unable to shun Bryan's classic song "Heaven" from my mind. At the end of the day, how bad is that, not that bad at all, unless it was the weird-rave-Z95.3-female vocaled-remix version i heard at this subway one time. Then it would be a bad scene, but no, it was classic, canadian, i don't know the words to the national anthem, Bryan Adams singing sweetly in my mind. Weird.

So tonight was T-Night, or Testosterone Night. It's the one night a year at my school, where men of differant residence floor affiliations come together to crown the T-Cup, to the most manly floor. How do you attain this coveted prize you ask? Well, we use a scoring system based on first, second, and third place finishes in any number of wacky, manliness testing events. In my three previous years of competeing in this event, i was part of two successful T-Cup, T-Night championship floors. It's a good feeling, I have to say. This year, i participated again, but this year i participated with six other guys in a Sylvester Hall reunion team. You see Sylvester Hall was the best residence floor that ever existed since my school left Regina, and we had won the first two T-Nights in Calgary, once while I was there, and once whilst i was on intership in vermilion. You remember those days right? Anyway, this year, due to the lack of enrollment by males who wanted to live in Residence, Sylvester Hall ceased to exist. It sucked. But, a few of us old veterans of the good old days banded together to try and reclaim our title. It was not to be on this fateful night, i'll spare you the anticipation. We came in third, which is not bad all things considered. We had fun, it felt good to be apart of the floor i loved and helped establish as the greatest floor ever. I participated in the event i participate in every year, the Sumo Wrestling Event, and as per usual, i retained my crown. I am dominating in that event, just ask Matt Russell, who i defeated three years ago on the way to capturing my first sumo crown. This one was just as sweet, especially since some people thought that perhaps i was passed my prime. I felt like Dave Andreychuk (sports fans stop reading for a moment, cause you won't get this analogy) who came back, old as he was to lead the Tampa Bay Lightning to thier first Stanley Cup.

The interesting thing about T-Night is that emotions can sometimes run pretty high. Rivalries thought long since dead come out in full force, and contempt you didn't know you had comes flowing out like water from one of those cupid fountains that shoots water out of know what i'm talking about right? Anyway, tonight, that rivalry, and frustration got the best of me, and i said some things and acted in a way, that i regret. Yes, people were discourtious to me first, but i need not have reacted the way i did. I was very rude, and belittling, even making a couple comments that could be seen as hitting below the belt. Anyway, I feel bad, and i thought i would tell you, cause i've already told the guys on my floor that i regret how i acted and that, i embarressed us by acting so poorly. I wasn't being a poor loser, i was just responding to rudeness and malcontent with equal or more then equal levels of rudeness and malcontendedness. If that makes sense. So yeah. Don't let anger get ahold of you and make you say and do things that are stupid, you will only regret it later....that is unless of course you don't have a concious, and then i guess you could probably get away with it.

In other news, i lost the election. (oh wait, thats supposed to be a secret...oh well, by the time you read this, it might not matter anyway) What's interesting is, i lost it by an 8% margin, and i would've had to lose by a 10% margin for a winner to be declared. So the re-vote is tomorrow, and this time, only CBC students can vote on this one. So, my future will take a big turn tomorrow, so stay tuned for new information regarding my possible presidency. The church calls have stopped, sorry about Maple Ridge Kyle, even if i don't become SRC Prez, i have had a real sense of peace from God about staying here for the next year, so we shall see where that takes me besides far away from great church job offers. Speaking of great church job offers, i have an interview at Christian Publications this friday, that would be nice for me depending on two things. Full time work, and 11 dollars an hour or more.

Anyway, thats about it for now, i should hit the sack, the tylenol i took is actually kicking in, which i find hard to believe given my most recent interactions with the drug have seemed fruitless. If you want to hear a great song, listen to "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. I know it's 80's Canadian Pop-Rock, but it's a wonderful song regardless...besides, he probably didn't actually write it, he's kind of a weiner that way. Peace.....Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Self Control, Gentleness, and Faithfulness (those are the fruits of the spirit, you can read about them in Galatians 5....i remembered the first seven of them, but then i had to get Matt Russell to remind me of the last two, he said he knew them cause they were the theme of a day camp he ran one time, but i think it's cause he still studies his accreditation notes, i mean, it was the theme of a Vacation Bible School i worked at one time, and i still forgot two of them, oh well, i guess it is 3:19 in the morning, i could cut myself some slack this time....and so could you, you judgemental pharisees!.....I'm sorry, i didn't mean that last part, sometimes, i just get soooo mad)