Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sucrose, Sodium, Salivating-Salvation

Ok, well I'm back.
I had a great 9 days spent up in vermilion, saw some friends, did some homework, but mostly took time to cherish and enjoy what little time i get to spend with Cara. She went to school during the day which left me to play copius amounts of Civilizations 2, and read large quantities of books. For instance I finished reading a book my friend Tim Houghton lent me, called "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland. It was an enjoyable read, especially because it wasn't school related. I need some books being read on the side to keep me fresh and happy. I have spent quite a bit of time this semester investing time in reading simply for pleasures sake, which is something that up until now, i have never really been able to manage in my academic career. It has really been good, and also puts my time towards something slightly more useful then watching movies and playing video games, though i don't deny the usefulness of those two past-times. One other book i read while i was in vermilion was called "Man in Black" and it was Johnny Cash's first autobiography. There was not a great deal of new information for me in the book, being a big fan of Mr. Cash's I am well aware of many of the circumstances of his life, but hearing the same stories and so on from the perspective of Johnny Cash was enjoyable to say the least. Johnny told the story of his life through hymns, and spiritual songs, and with the whole purpose of the story showing God's faithfullness and love to a messed up human, who was running, or at least ignoring God. I appreciated the honesty with which Johnny Cash told his story, and i appreciated the focus with which he told it, to the Glory of God. Anyway, just thought i would check in, before i am innundated with people who want to talk to me and classes that want me to attend them. Have a good one, read a book, take a break.
Stay Fit and Have Fun

Song of the day: "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard. Yesterday, when Cara and I were driving around doing wedding stuff, this some came on the radio. It was awesome, until Cara told me she hates that kind of music....oh well, you can't win 'em all, but you should check out this song, just in case you do like this kind of music.


Blogger Keller said...

Sounds good... Pour some sugar on Me... hmmm... def leppard... hmmm

4:24 PM  

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