Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lazy Day Posting

This morning i talked to my friend Jon Kramer. One of the things that came up in conversation was that it was time for me to blog again. I Confessed my lack of inspiration or blogworthy news, and yet here i am.

One of my worst habits (and if this is one of my worst habits, then i am doing pretty good) besides returning books and movies to the library late is not responding to facebook email messages. I don't know why - but for some reason, once i read them i forget about them. And some of them are important.

Anyway - my dad sent me one a couple weeks ago - and it was just a slideshow of pictures of the lower mainland - Vancouver area set to a Bruce Cockburn song that i had forgotten i had ever heard. But it made me miss B.C. - for pretty darn near the first time in my life - i had a yearning to go home and to appreciate the natural beauty that i grew up in the midst of. I want to go home and watch the rain - i want to sit by the ocean and stare up at the mountains - i want to go hunting for bald eagles (not like hunting with a gun) - though i hope to get to do that sometime this year if my friends in Vermilion live up to all thier grandiose promises - though again not hunting for Eagles - apperantly for Coyotes - cool.

And i realize that perhaps this is a sefish blog - because unless you are a displaced British Columbian like myself you may not appreciate the desire for all things British Columbian and in particular lower-mainlandian - vancouvorian right now. I remember when i went to BC on my own for a conference, and really enjoying myself - riding the seabus every morning - walking the streets like i was seeing it all again for the first time.

So that is all - a lingering homesickness for the beauty that i have almost always taken for granted, or maybe it's partly a desire to be somewhere different for a time. Either way - here is a link for the video - the pictures aren't all amazing - like you wouldn't see any of them in a Natural Geographic Magazine or anything - but it's the memories associated with them that affect me. (except for the random picture that i can only assume is of the video poster's children)

Peace out.