Wednesday, August 31, 2005

J as in Jack, E as in Everest, K as in Kill

How great is it when you wake up, and come to the kitchen and find your mom and girlfriend cooking you breakfast!? Ok, so it didn't happen exactly like that, but now they are cooking me breakfast - woo-hoo.

So, i've been having a great week, Cara and my family are getting along really well, so that is a huge relief to me, though i was never really concerned that they wouldn't get along. Any-whizzle Cara and I are going to the Aquarium today. It's our big date day, so we are going to have an awesome day, just Cara and Me.

Yesterday met with Dave Sattler for lunch and it was really good to see him, and talk to him, and for him to meet Cara. Dave reminded me of the days when i was waiting for a girlfriend, someone who i could be with forever, and how i prayed and wrestled with God over this issue for a long time, and how Dave watched me do this. He then pointed out to us that Cara is an answer to many, many, many prayers for me, and i never thought of it like that, but it was a heck of a point, and it just reiterated how special Cara is in my life. Thanks to Dave for that great reminder.

Song of the Day is "Crazy about You" by Whiskeytown, I have been listening to Whiskeytown alot this week, pretty much every time i sit down at the computer to do anything i would listen to the town of the Whiskey, particularly the album Pnemonia. Anyway, "Crazy about You" is a song that means a lot to me, and always reminds me of Cara. Also last night i watched "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage, it was good, i recommend it, but if you really want to hear a sintilating review of the film, you should ask Cara. Anyway, if you have the means and or the desire you should listen to "Crazy about You" by Whiskeytown. (* In case you didn't know Whiskeytown was Caitlen Carey's old band)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Difficulties Faced by the Prodigal Son

As many of you know, i have resumed employment with my fathers company since returning to Nor Van. The last job we did, which took us a span of two days to complete, caused me to ponder some serious thoughts, due in full to the circumstances surrounding and the environment i found myself in.

A Co-Worker, not being my father is a smoker. I'm not here to bash smokers, at one point in my own life, i smoked a few cigars, and i have a few friends who smoke ciggerettes. Smoking ciggerettes does not make you a bad person, but.....this co-worker who smokes is unable to abandon himself from the wafting and poisenous smell that goes along with smoking ciggerettes. So what i am trying to say, is that it smells awful, i want to barf everytime he comes back from a smoke break. I don't see the attraction to smoking on such a regular basis, every once in a while to have a cigar was like, celebratory, or i don't even know, i regret it now, but to have one every once in a while with friends, didn't seem like a big deal, but if i smoked all the time, i feel like it would be differant. Anyway, three things, smoking makes you smell bad, rots your teeth and gives you cancer, but then again, so does everything else, but based on those three facts, i can't see myself ever smoking again.

The place where we worked was a nice house, large with a sizeable yard in both the front and back. One thing i noticed about the front yard is that it had many piles of dog crap in it, and the people who lived there had not a dog. So first of all, i wonered where it came from, but the rest of the time we worked there, my mind was concentrated on not stepping in it, because there are few worse things then stepping in dog crap. I'm not even kidding, there were at least three or four randomly placed poops on this yard, which were just left there. I got to thinking about how much i hated stepping in dog poop, and the recent occasion that i did it (at Bellevue Bible Camp. thanks to the Dog with No Name) and how annoyed i was, and then i got to thinking....

Which is grosser, the smoker smell, or dog poop? It's a tough call, cause i really hate them both, but i think i will give the nod to the smoke, because that stays with you longer and gets into your clothes and such, though on second thought, once you get that smell of dog poop in your nose, it doesn't matter how many times you wipe your shoe, it is with you for a while. Either way it is gross, and i didn't enjoy having to deal with it. Any thoughts?

Other then that, Cara got here and things are going great, my family loves her already which i knew they would, and then she is going to meet the boys tonight, when we go to Boston Pizza for a time of hanging out and meeting and greeting. Going to Church tomorrow, and then to Grandma and Grandpa's for supper, good times.

Song of the day is "Everything Reminds me of Her" by Elliott Smith. It's a great song that i really fell in love with about a year and a half ago. I love the way he aches and how he says everything reminds me of her, i can relate, but i also like how he talks about the church. He say's "and i gotta hear the same sermon all the time, from you people". I don't know if he is referring to a specific moment, or in general or not at all to the church, but it is a reminder to me, to see past the norm and see the truth in the situation and to not let God's message become stale through me. Anyway, Elliott is dead, he committed suicide, so i think you owe him that much to listen to the song whether or not you have the means and or the desire. I have it on a CD, and so does Tim Houghton, and Jon Kramer, who had some very interesting insight on the backstreet boys question, thanks to Jon for that.

Talk to you sooner then later i hope.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Customer Appreciation Week

What's the deal with marriage? Since i have been back in the Nor Van it seems like all my friends are talking about it! It' s so bizarre because each and every one of my friends that i have come home to see have been thinking about it lately, and had a thing or two to say on the subject. Marriage seems to be the hot topic for my friends lately, i was thinking earlier in the day that it was all they wanted to talk about, but thats not true, they have also talked about the NHL, God, Wings, Nachos and girls, which is related to the subject of marriage, unless you are a man who is gay, and then marriage does not specifically relate to the subject of girls, because it is legal in canada for gay people to get married to each other.

One such moment (and i mean discussion about marriage, not a homo-sexual union) occured last night as i met with my good friend Matt Morrison. Matt picked me up last night and we went and hung out at Wendy's while dining on burgers and fries and a frosty in my case. In case you were wondering, they were pretty great and i wish i had one right now.

Matt was talking about relationships and how people often don't reveal thier true selves. Especially during the honeymoon stage of a dating relationship which Matt speculates can last anywhere from 1-4 months, which is interesting because thats how long Cara and I have dated now. So Matt believes that, though all relationships are differant, averagely speaking, many couples do not be open and honest about who they are, in that stage. There is still that hidden part of them that they fear will end up costing them the relationship. It was an interesting point, i had never really thought about it before, but i guess it makes sense since none of my previous relationships had lasted past two months or past the honeymoon stage. Once those other girls and i saw past the lovey dovey feelings of being in a relationship, it was clear that our relationships wouldn't work out, and for the love of God shouldn't work out.

Now...I have a theory. It may sound funny, but i mean it in all seriousness, well mostly seriousness. This theory came from my relationship with Cara, and how i am certain we have made it past the honeymoon stage. First, Cara and I have been open with each other from day 1. We both tried to make it clear to the other what we were getting into, in dating each other, and i believe we have remained true to this since then. I have not hold back anything from Cara about who i am, and nothing she has done or hasn't done has caused me to belive the is holding back something from me. We have both observed each other in fairly raw forms, meaning when we are at our emotional wits ends (though i think i have not been at my emotional wits end totally yet, so look out honey!). But the true test came for us, when i finally released gas in her presence. Thats right, i farted in front of Cara, and not only is she still alive, but she still seems to dig me quite a bit. So i think the true test of a relationship under a year old is the flatulance test, and if she still loves you after you fart, she just might be yours forever!

Anyway, Matt is considering my theory, because it just might be true, and so should you. Also, the song of the day is "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. One of the most amazing songs of all time, and making it doubly better (not to be confused with Meat Loaf's concept of being Doubly Blessed) is it's use in the SNL skit, featuring Christopher Walken and Will Farrell, if you neither heard this song, nor seen this skit, you need to do both regardless if you have the means and or the desire.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I Want it that Way?

Ok. So today i was working. That went fairly well, we installed 7 windows. We still have two to install on the morrow, which will hopefully make for a quick day, but i fear the difficulty of installing these windows will cause the day to last longer then i want it to. Truthfully told, i would enjoy a quick day so that i could visit with a friend from Vermilion and a friend from Cold Lake tomorrow afternoon before Cara gets here on Saturday morning. Those friends being a Mr. Lee and a Mr. Couture.

Anyway, after work i came home. Then i played video games, checked my email, and my blog (you see i check my blog to see if anyone commented on it, and far too often i am disappointed by the lack of comments-props to kyle and tim who do actually comment) and showered. From there, i took my cousin Nicole to Subway (where my sister was working) for supper and from there we went to Superstore to pick up some items that were neccesary. On the way, i and my cousin listened to the song "I Want it that Way" by the Backstreet Boys from their historic album "Millenium".

I started singing, as any normal person would, and i was trying to get my cousin to sing as well, but she declined, because she thinks i am a geek. Anyway, as i was singing these words, and i sang them all, because i know them all, and i realized, that i have no idea what this stupid song is all about! So i thought about it.

I think it's about a long distance relationship. Or wanting to start a relationship despite the fact that they know they shouldn't, cause they are not going to be together and each one of the backstreet boys knows that he won't be able to remain faithful to this girl, cause they are all man-tramps. Anyway, here are they lyrics, so you can judge for yourself, and let me know what you think...

"You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

But we are two worlds apart
Can't reach to your heart
When you say
That I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Am I your fire
Your one desire
Yes I know it's too late
But I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Now I can see that we're falling apart
From the way that it used to be, yeah
No matter the distance
I want you to know
That deep down inside of me...

You are my fire
The one desire
You are
You are,
you are,
you are
Don't wanna hear you
sayAin't nothin' but a heartache
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
(Don't wanna hear you say)I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say(Don't wanna hear you say it)
I want it that way
I want it that way"

Song of the day is "Maggie May" by Rod Stewart, cause since i moved out, the content of really good music on my parents computer is slim, and this is one of the like ten songs on here worth listening to, and it is worth listening to, so if you have the means and or the desire, come over to my parents house and listen to this song. Peace out hombres.

The Shaolin resides.
"So Let it be written, so let it be done"

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Corn Challenges and The Stefan Lessard Band

What a whirlwind of a week.

On thursday of last week began an insane turn of events that has left me feeling awesome but barely concious. Thursday was the rehearsal dinner for the Kinniburgh-Korbell wedding extravaganza. It went well, i was fed steaks and potatoes and corn and salad. The corn obviously led to a corn challenge which was won by Matt's older brother Nathan.

Following the rehearsal, we took Matt out for a fun and embarresing night, which included some moments that shouldn't be shared and neither should the pictures. SO the next day went very well, Matt and Samantha got married and everyone was quite pleased. I got to see some old friends for a few moments which was nice, and i popped the button on my tux twice because i was too active in a clothing to meant for active purposes. Not to mention i am fat, and things like that, though appearing attractive upon my body, are uncomfortable and hot.

After the thing where people mingle and eat......the reception yeah, a few friends came to my apartment and hung out for a couple hours which was real dandy, we had some good laughs, and then i set off for slumberland (Not to be confused with that place that Joel Roos is interning) early because i had a long and early drive in the morn, which is not to be confused with the main ingrediant of a corn challenge. Alas, my sleep was short lived as other friends came over and started making a hoot which caused me to awake from my slumber, just as they were leaving of all times. So not only was i annoyed at being awoken, but then i didn't even get to visit with these other "ditch-out" friends. So, i seen them out the door, and then returned to bed, exhausted, annoyed and apprehensive regarding the long drive ahead of me.

That morning i rose from my bed in Pentland Apartments for the final time, packed my bag (and forgot a bunch of my t-shirts i only just today realized) and hauled everything to the car and embarked to find both a breakfast and some sort of over-priced fuel to fill my auto-mobile's fuel container. Then i began the many hour journey with the musical stylings of Mike's Mecca 5 (the anniversary edition). It was a long drive and it happened without incident bringing me into Vancouver at an embarresing 6pm. I had supper with my grandparents and parents and sister, and then called Cara and went to bed being fully aware that another drive awaited me in the morn (Not to be confused with the main ingrediant of a corn challenge) Though this drive was not to my home, it was to Washington State, and more specifically, The Gorge in George Washington.

Why did i go the the Gorge you might ask? Well, i went with Vermilion friend Joel Ellard to see and experiance Dave Matthews Band live in concert! What an experiance it was! We got to our hotel early, and we went and jumped in a lake to cool off from the hot hot heat that was crippling us, while we stayed in the lovely town of Ellensburg. From the Lake we ventured to the Gorge to begin the 3 hour wait for the concert to start. That was a long time to wait, but it was worth it to get high quality seats on the grassy knoll. Ok, it was more like a grassy mountain then a knoll, but knoll is such a cute word.

Dave Matthews and his band took the stage after a sold set from opening act "The North Mississippi All Stars" and blew my mind. They restored my love in their music because thier three hour live set was so, so, so, so amazing. They were tight as a band, musically, and they had a great set list that went back and forth from older to fresh songs, with awesome seugues and hitting at least one song from every studio album. It was beautiful. Three highlights for me. Improptu cover of "Blackbird", which of course is NOT a Sarah McLachlan song, but is a Beatles song as i had to explain to a dingleberry sitting behind me. Also, when they played "All along the watchtower" it was spectacular, it was like a spiritual moment. Then my favorite moment was when they played my favorite DMB song "Crush" in the encore performance. That blew my mind. Anyway, my fingers are getting sore, so i am going to move on. If you really want to hear about it, ask my, i'll do it much more justice that way anyhow.

Since then. i've come home, and started working for DC GLass to make some extra coin. I am looking forward to a relaxing couple of weeks, reconnecting with old friends and family, as well as introducing Cara to those people.

Song of the Day is "Bartender" by Dave Matthews Band which i seen live. It was like 13 minutes or more. Amazing, check it out if you have the means and or the desire. Gotta Go, supper time.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Avril Lavigne Guards Our Liquor Cabinet

So today as i a cleaned up my room and gathered up loose pieces of paper, i found something mind blowing. I found a letter that i was writing to Avril Lavigne back in January, which was the peak of my infatuation with this canadian singing lady. Anyway, i have decided to share that un-finished letter with you, because it is humerous. Also, just to clarify, if you are currently my girlfriend, please do not be offended by the harmless crush of years past. She meant nothing to me, i swear!

So yeah. Also, When i bought her CD, it came with a mini poster in it, and i put that poster on the door to the liquor cabinet of the apartment in which i currently reside. So in essence (not to be confused with Evanescence) Avril Lavigne guards our (our being Tim, Josh, and Me) cabinet of liquor.

So Yeah. Here is the letter that i promised you, and i am very tired, and Tim may have had too much to drink tonight, but if you are his mother reading this, please disregard previous statement.

Ok, Tim is really concerned about my previous statement which may have been a clever way to cover up the fact thay i myself may have had too much to drink. But don't worry, i didn't.

Ok, Here is the Letter that i wrote on January 28th 2005, whilst i attended the conferance that Breaks Forth in Edmonton, Alberta.

So Yeah.

"Dear Avril,

Can I Call You Avril? Or do you prefer Miss Lavigne? My name is Mike Schalin, and we have something in common. We are both Canadians. Although you are from Ontario, and I from B.C., but i actually reside in Alberta. We also have something else in common, i used to want to be a rock star, and you are a rock star. I guess that's not really a commonality, because i really don't know how you feel about being a rock star, all i know is that you are one. I am 21 years old, and in my fourth year of post secondary studies. I told you that i used to want to be a rock star and that is true, but i am sure you are wondering what i want to be now. Well, I'll tell you...I want to be and i feel like it's my life calling to be a youth pastor in a church. You might think that's weird, and in some ways it is, but i really enjoy teenagers and believe it's critically important to invest in thier lives. By this time you must be wondering (if it's even you who is reading this) what the heck this is all about? Well, I'll tell you, I wanted to write this to you so that you can know that i think you are very talented and i have a great deal of respect for you. Your most recent album "Under my Skin" was enough to make me believe. To be honest, I wasn't impressed by your first release, and for a while even resisted "Under my Skin" for a while because i was trying to maintain what i thought was my musical credibility, but now i can see i was wrong, and I'm sorry. Thanks to you, and your music i hope to never judge a rocker by their gender or apparent fan base again, I will only judge by the music. The music that you write...are the lyrics a true representation of actual events and feelings? If they are, i feel like we would make good friends. The way you express yourself, the things you speak about in your songs. For example:"

So yeah. Thats where i got to before more important things came to the forefront of my life. So basically, i just wanted to share that with you and tell you that if you want to write to your favorite musician that you should, cause you have nothing to lose, who knows, maybe if i would've actually written and sent this letter Avril would've written back and we would've become buddies like i thought we could've. Oh well.

So Yeah. If i could write a letter to someone now who is a rocker (clearly i could, but i am too tired so i won't) it would be Adam Duritz, of the COunting Crows, and i would ask him to hurry up and make a new record that i wouldn't be able to afford right now anyway. But in tribute to Adam and the rest of the Crows who count, todays daily song, or "Song of the Day" is going to be "COmmon People" by William Shatner. You may be wondering how i got to William Shatner out of all of that, well, i'll tell you. William Shatner's latest album was produced by Ben Folds, who plays the Piano, and Adam Duritz plays the piano, so thats how i figured it out. It's like six degrees of Kevin Bacon and stuff. So....Yeah....if you have the means and or the desire check out "Common People" by the Shat, cause thats who he is.

So Yeah. Peace

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Hello Friends

I am still alive and fairly well, just in case you were wondering. So alive and well in fact that i am listening to Gordon Lightfoot.

These last two weeks have been busy ones. For instance two weekends ago, i went to Vermilion to experiance the wonder and glory of the Vermilion fair, but you already knew that.

Following that weekend, i worked my final week as a painter of houses, which i know realize is a glorious thing because i didn't enjoy painting houses. Tomorrow i am going to seek employment for the fall in various locations around the city of Calgary.

This last week, i spent at Belle Vue Bible Camp, and it was great. I was co-councelling the grade 12 guys cabin, and that was fantastic because the older guys were more interested in sleeping and hanging out and actually having serious discussions about spirituallity and faith and the best part is they wanted to do these things at the scheduled time to do these things. I had a cabin of six guys who were all pretty solid christians, or more specifically came from families who all went to church. This week was pretty huge for a few of them in that God used our camp speaker to challenge them and show them how to have a relationship with Christ. Not just the relationship that involves praying the sinners prayer, but how to have an on-goinging, growing, love relationship with God, the creator of the Universe. It was really awesome how God worked through our speaker, he was a young guy, my age actually, and so i found him less polished and not as great a communicator as our speaker last year, but despite my misgivings and thoughts about the speaker God stepped around my attitude and worked mightily though him, speaking to the teens in huge ways though him. There was not a kid in the camp who didn't think he was a great speaker. It just goes to show how the things that we see that we consider weak can and will be used for God in awesome ways as we are faithful to him as he is faithful to us.
The theme for Camp was "The Born Identity" and the point was to understand and recognize our identity in Christ. I think this is an important subject for Kids and Adults alike to understand that because God has adopted us into his family, has forgiven us and so on, we are now identified with him, and not the world, so this should affect the way we live. We are not our own, we belong to Christ, not the influences of this world, it's easy to "know" all this stuff, but it's the application that often enfs up frustrating/confusing us. One of the things that was discussed in both the big sessions and in our cabin chats was the need for accountability. This becomes clearer and clearer to me every time i hear someone talk about it, and i want to find a person this year that i can be accountable with to not only remain pure, but also someone who will talk to me about how i am living in general, the things i say, the way i act and so on. Am i really living a life that Glorifies Christ Jesus, who made me, saved me, and to whom i owe everything i have and ever will have? I'm not sure who this person will be, but i look forward to this, and i hope i can remain honest and faithful to this accountability relationship. Someone who will challenge me and hold me accountable in daily taking up my cross, dying to myself and living the life Christ calls me to live and someone who i can be that person for as well.

I think the coolest part of Camp for me, well one of the coolest parts was sharing my testimony. Last year when i shared it, i didn't like how it came out, i was nervous and just kinda spewed it out. This year i went to my cabin for a spell, and prayed and read God's word, and asked him to give me direction in what to share. I was feeling like my story was boring and the same as everyone elses:I became a christian at a young age, didn't really grasp how that descision should affect my life, rebelled in teens, got into the party scene, but continued to appear like i had it all together at church/youth group, then god got a hold of me and i began to get my act together.

I thought it was not all that interesting, but God gave me a fantastic perspective. He allowed me to see my life through some people who had seen me grow and mature in both life and faith, and i was challenged to tell my story from there point of view and when i did that, i saw some amazing things in my life, how God worked and how he is still working, and has not and will not abandon me. It was really wonderful. I tried to speak through the eyes of my youth pastor Dave Sattler and then through the eyes of one of my best friends' the fantastic and somehow still single Tim Houghton. Anyway, i feel like God really worked through the words that he gave me, in fact one teen and one councellor, shared as much with me. It was really great.

So it's Kinney's wedding on Friday, and then Saturday i go back to Vancouver, and then Sunday i see Dave Matthews at the Gorge, so it's busy times for me. I am looking forward to some time in Vancouver, it should be a good time to spend with the family and friends who don't live in Alberta.

Though i am no longer listening to Canada's own Gordon Lightfoot, (i am now listening to the now broken up Get up Kids) i have chosen Gordon's song "Too Late for Prayin" as the song of the day. Though i disagree with the basic premise of the song, i find it to be a lovely song, fraught with unvieled helplessness. Gordon paints a picture of a world moving so swiftly to destruction that it's too late for prayin. Lightfoot tells the story of a world gone to far beyond repair, so its not that he is saying that prayer is useless, but rather that we are reaping what we sowed in how we lived and treated the world that God gave to us. It's a really great song, and if you have the means and or the desire, i would recommend it to you. Just to let you know it's never too late for praying. God will always hear you, and always does hear you, praying is not just about throwing out a life line when all else fails, we need to be talking to God all the time, not just when we get to the point where we realize we can't do it on our own.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.

Monday, August 01, 2005

I Like to take my time

Hey people.

You and I both know that it has been way too long since i blogged, and even longer since i said anything of real consequence, but hey, no one really reads this anymore, so what do you care? Mostly i care.

So I had an interesting weekend. I went to my 2nd home of Vermilion, with two expressed purposes. 1. Experiance the world renowned "Vermilion Fair". You see, when i began my internship in Vermilion a year ago now, i missed the fair by a couple of weeks, so that was the one big town event that i had yet to experiance, and now i have. 2. was obviously to visit Cara, but luckily i am so creative, i managed to accomplish both of my expressed purposes in one single weekend of purified and petrified glory.

The fair was alright. I liked it though, despite it's small size and limited options for entertainment. Things like the Calgary Stampede are too crowded for me. I liked the fair cause it was never so busy that you felt like driving though it with a hummer to create space, and it was great cause you could hardly go 20 steps without running into like 10 people that you knew. I liked that. I like it, cause it's a community. In fact, i met the brother of a girl who was at CBC with me my freshman year. It was bizarre, because he told me he was from Drayton Valley (a redneck town south of Edmonton) and i did my customary Drayton Valley Question "Do you know Landon?" and he did! So we figured out a couple more mutual aquaintances, it was crazy and bizarre, but i love that kind of thing, not like Stampede, where you would be lucky to see a attacking 50 foot woman, let alone someone you know there! I guess i am just really sold on the small town community thing, even despite it's many gossipy drawbacks, i love it.

I would have to say my favorite moments of the fair were watching the Chuck-Wagon Races, and also the splendid fireworks display at the end of the fair. Chuck-wagons were great, cause they were so wild and fast and uncontollable as some of those horses just did what they wanted to do, which is another notch in my belt of theory's against trying to tame the wild beast known as "a horse". The fireworks were also fun, cleary it was no symphony of fire, but it was still great, and i was so much closer to the action then i would ever be at the symphony of fire in Vancouver.

Then today, i departed that fine town, and hit Edmonton, where i met Jon Kramer and hung out with him. We talked about a few things, including the need to have someone to talk to, and discuss your thoughts with, especially in relation to ministry and general theology/faith issues. We have both been missing the community that AUC/CBC has spoiled us with. Perhaps we will be spurred on to create communities like that in our own personal situations, rather then mourning over the one we haven't had since CBC. Though i am a bit better off then Jonny, cause i get to go back to CBC for one more year and have another does of that wonderful community. I really don't want to take advantage of it, in that i don't want to take it for granted this year. I suppose i actually do want to take advantage of it while i still have the chance.

Jon and I also talked abou the future. Future of ministry, the role of seminary, the direction of the Alliance in Canada, and we didn't really come to any concrete conclusions, but it was nice to find someone who was as thoughtful about these things as i haven't been lately.

When this job ends, i promise to read more and let my brain function in a way other then the consumption of music. I miss reading, i miss the stimulation it gives me, the thoughts, the ideas, that way God uses it to shape me. Anyway, not too much else to report on my end.

I journey to Vancouver ultra soon which i look forward to quite a bit, but i still have three weeks before that dream comes true, but the great thing is, summer has really flown by so far. How often will you hear someone say that? How thankful they are for the speed with which summer holidays have passed? Especially me! I used to live for summer, but this time, i needed it to go fast, and it has.

Song of the day is "Good Hearted Women" by the late, great Waylon Jennings. For the last week and a half, my appatite for both destruction and the music of Waylon Jennings has been insatiable. Anyway, this "Good Hearted Women" song is one of the many that Waylon performs with Willie Nelson. It is a fantastic song, and i think i might use it somehow in my wedding one day. I actually pictured it being the song i leave the church to. Anyway, Waylon is a bad-ass, country star who left us too soon. So if you have the means and or the desire to find out what music is stroking my heart valves, then you should check out this song by a true hero in Waylon Jennings.
