Wednesday, August 31, 2005

J as in Jack, E as in Everest, K as in Kill

How great is it when you wake up, and come to the kitchen and find your mom and girlfriend cooking you breakfast!? Ok, so it didn't happen exactly like that, but now they are cooking me breakfast - woo-hoo.

So, i've been having a great week, Cara and my family are getting along really well, so that is a huge relief to me, though i was never really concerned that they wouldn't get along. Any-whizzle Cara and I are going to the Aquarium today. It's our big date day, so we are going to have an awesome day, just Cara and Me.

Yesterday met with Dave Sattler for lunch and it was really good to see him, and talk to him, and for him to meet Cara. Dave reminded me of the days when i was waiting for a girlfriend, someone who i could be with forever, and how i prayed and wrestled with God over this issue for a long time, and how Dave watched me do this. He then pointed out to us that Cara is an answer to many, many, many prayers for me, and i never thought of it like that, but it was a heck of a point, and it just reiterated how special Cara is in my life. Thanks to Dave for that great reminder.

Song of the Day is "Crazy about You" by Whiskeytown, I have been listening to Whiskeytown alot this week, pretty much every time i sit down at the computer to do anything i would listen to the town of the Whiskey, particularly the album Pnemonia. Anyway, "Crazy about You" is a song that means a lot to me, and always reminds me of Cara. Also last night i watched "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage, it was good, i recommend it, but if you really want to hear a sintilating review of the film, you should ask Cara. Anyway, if you have the means and or the desire you should listen to "Crazy about You" by Whiskeytown. (* In case you didn't know Whiskeytown was Caitlen Carey's old band)


Blogger Keller said...

I've never heard of Whiskeytown. Glad things are going well in V-town... or V-city... or V-metropolis... whatever you call it there. Was it a good breakfast? It better have been bacon & eggs and coffee. Mmmmmm... bacon.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike, you say they were making b-fast together? my advice... be afraid, be veery afraid... things like that only happen when evil is afoot...


7:26 PM  
Blogger Kieran said...

I am not sure that I really understand the Title of the blog. and is Dave the Guy that did the ever man's batter seminar?

11:27 PM  
Blogger Kieran said...

For some reason I have been spelling your name as shaolin. It is only now that I read part of your blog that I realize it is diferent

11:28 PM  
Blogger Shaolin said...

in responce...
Breakfast was great
how is there evil in together breakfast making?
yes, Dave from the Every Mans' Battle seminar, and
the title of the blog refers to the letters that were in my licence plate before they got changed yesterday, and my attempts to describe those letters over the phone to an individual who needed to know what those letters were.


1:13 AM  
Blogger Keller said...

Kier... what is ever man's batter? Is it a baseball seminar?

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mike, it's like sin... i will remind you of our fair speaker's illustration from camp...

think of a cake... mmmm... cake... now think of dog poop in the cake (or for your sake a nice little nugget)... mmmm... dog poop... hey, wait a sec... get my drift?

They are conspiring together as you g-friend pumps info out of your mom to use against you later for EVIL!


You do know I'm joking, right?

5:12 PM  

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