This is the story of the hurricane
Despite what Matt Kinniburgh thinks, this blog is not about the wrestler formerly known as the hurricane, nor is it about a song by Bob Dylan.
My life has been a whirlwind. I have started my new full time job at Christian Publications, and while it is not overly difficult, i find it rewarding to connect with the shoppers who are looking for a good read, or a gift for someone, or whatever. Most customers are quite friendly and allow salespeople a little bit into thier lives in order to find the right item, and i have enjoyed it. It has been strange though, re-entering the realm of full time employment. After the first could days i felt like it had been years since i had worked a job, but really, it was because i had never worked this kind of job before and the training was an information overload. Anyway, i like my job, though my feet were really sore after yesterdays shift. I never knew being on your feet for eight hours could be so taxing.
After work yesterday i went and saw Death Cab for Cutie live in concert. They put on an awesome show despite a weak venue, and some techinical issues. They were much better then the co-headlining band Franz Ferdinand, who though they were not as bad as i thought they would be, were still not all that great. Death Cab played for just over an hour, and they managed to pack in 15 songs, i would've liked more but hey what can you do? Highlights came when they played the songs "Movie Script Ending", "I'll Follow you into the Dark" and the set closer "Transatlantacism". There were some great moments for me in the live renditions of these songs. It was strange, as much as i enjoyed Death Cab, I found it difficult not to compare the quality of show to the last two concerts i saw before this, which just happend to be Dave Matthews Band and Bob Dylan. In case you don't see what i am getting at, those are two of the tightest most awesome live acts ever, so other bands have a hard time matching up in live performances.
Also for the last month, i have been in the process of moving from the AUC-NUC-CTS-WTF dorms into my new apartment in Brentwood. This has been a mistake, because this slow moving process has made my moving long and drawn out which has not improved the feelings of accomlishment that come from a one day move. I have to be out of the dorm by noon on sunday, so i really oughta get cracking on that stuff. I don't have much left, but what i do have left, i have to move. I've thrown a lot out in this moving process as well- including, clothing, school stuff, notes from girls i used to like (well i actually burned those, a very liberating experiance to say the least) and so on.
Also since i last blogged i finished classes and exams. These were not that eventful. But i did have a celebratory lunch with my mentor from this last year at a greek resturant down in the community of Kensington. It was called Broken Plate, and it was delicious. George and I had a great time, as we did all year.
I'm really tired, but i get the feeling my sleep will not be restful. My friends graduate this weekend, and Matt and Sam are pretty much moving away. Crush my little spirit some more. These last two statements had nothing to do with the first, just to let you know. My neck is sore, i don't know how it happened. Maybe it happened while i was shelving some books in the category of "Women" at Christian Publications. Ps. I know how many club CP points you have....
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