Thursday, April 06, 2006

"I'm finding it hard to believe, we're in Heaven"

That's right, Bryan Adams is the music of choice tonight. Weird considering i was listening to Norah Jones for the last hour or so as i put the finishing touches on my last major assignment of the year. Anyway, the point is: despite listening to a completely differant musical artist and also using what little brain power i have left to complete a fine research paper on "Community", i was unable to shun Bryan's classic song "Heaven" from my mind. At the end of the day, how bad is that, not that bad at all, unless it was the weird-rave-Z95.3-female vocaled-remix version i heard at this subway one time. Then it would be a bad scene, but no, it was classic, canadian, i don't know the words to the national anthem, Bryan Adams singing sweetly in my mind. Weird.

So tonight was T-Night, or Testosterone Night. It's the one night a year at my school, where men of differant residence floor affiliations come together to crown the T-Cup, to the most manly floor. How do you attain this coveted prize you ask? Well, we use a scoring system based on first, second, and third place finishes in any number of wacky, manliness testing events. In my three previous years of competeing in this event, i was part of two successful T-Cup, T-Night championship floors. It's a good feeling, I have to say. This year, i participated again, but this year i participated with six other guys in a Sylvester Hall reunion team. You see Sylvester Hall was the best residence floor that ever existed since my school left Regina, and we had won the first two T-Nights in Calgary, once while I was there, and once whilst i was on intership in vermilion. You remember those days right? Anyway, this year, due to the lack of enrollment by males who wanted to live in Residence, Sylvester Hall ceased to exist. It sucked. But, a few of us old veterans of the good old days banded together to try and reclaim our title. It was not to be on this fateful night, i'll spare you the anticipation. We came in third, which is not bad all things considered. We had fun, it felt good to be apart of the floor i loved and helped establish as the greatest floor ever. I participated in the event i participate in every year, the Sumo Wrestling Event, and as per usual, i retained my crown. I am dominating in that event, just ask Matt Russell, who i defeated three years ago on the way to capturing my first sumo crown. This one was just as sweet, especially since some people thought that perhaps i was passed my prime. I felt like Dave Andreychuk (sports fans stop reading for a moment, cause you won't get this analogy) who came back, old as he was to lead the Tampa Bay Lightning to thier first Stanley Cup.

The interesting thing about T-Night is that emotions can sometimes run pretty high. Rivalries thought long since dead come out in full force, and contempt you didn't know you had comes flowing out like water from one of those cupid fountains that shoots water out of know what i'm talking about right? Anyway, tonight, that rivalry, and frustration got the best of me, and i said some things and acted in a way, that i regret. Yes, people were discourtious to me first, but i need not have reacted the way i did. I was very rude, and belittling, even making a couple comments that could be seen as hitting below the belt. Anyway, I feel bad, and i thought i would tell you, cause i've already told the guys on my floor that i regret how i acted and that, i embarressed us by acting so poorly. I wasn't being a poor loser, i was just responding to rudeness and malcontent with equal or more then equal levels of rudeness and malcontendedness. If that makes sense. So yeah. Don't let anger get ahold of you and make you say and do things that are stupid, you will only regret it later....that is unless of course you don't have a concious, and then i guess you could probably get away with it.

In other news, i lost the election. (oh wait, thats supposed to be a secret...oh well, by the time you read this, it might not matter anyway) What's interesting is, i lost it by an 8% margin, and i would've had to lose by a 10% margin for a winner to be declared. So the re-vote is tomorrow, and this time, only CBC students can vote on this one. So, my future will take a big turn tomorrow, so stay tuned for new information regarding my possible presidency. The church calls have stopped, sorry about Maple Ridge Kyle, even if i don't become SRC Prez, i have had a real sense of peace from God about staying here for the next year, so we shall see where that takes me besides far away from great church job offers. Speaking of great church job offers, i have an interview at Christian Publications this friday, that would be nice for me depending on two things. Full time work, and 11 dollars an hour or more.

Anyway, thats about it for now, i should hit the sack, the tylenol i took is actually kicking in, which i find hard to believe given my most recent interactions with the drug have seemed fruitless. If you want to hear a great song, listen to "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. I know it's 80's Canadian Pop-Rock, but it's a wonderful song regardless...besides, he probably didn't actually write it, he's kind of a weiner that way. Peace.....Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Self Control, Gentleness, and Faithfulness (those are the fruits of the spirit, you can read about them in Galatians 5....i remembered the first seven of them, but then i had to get Matt Russell to remind me of the last two, he said he knew them cause they were the theme of a day camp he ran one time, but i think it's cause he still studies his accreditation notes, i mean, it was the theme of a Vacation Bible School i worked at one time, and i still forgot two of them, oh well, i guess it is 3:19 in the morning, i could cut myself some slack this time....and so could you, you judgemental pharisees!.....I'm sorry, i didn't mean that last part, sometimes, i just get soooo mad)


Blogger Keller said...

Hey, no problem... just thought I'd throw your name out. If you feel God asking you to stay in Calgary, that's awesome!

I too like that song, mostly because a guy in the manplex in my sr year at CBC was the biggest Bryan Adams fan ever. Seriously big. So I learned that song on guitar for him and everyone sang it with me. Ah, the memories.

1:18 PM  

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