Embarresing Life Story # 1 Million
So today was a day. I was walking back from the video store, and the topic of cartwheels somehow came up. Cara and Muffin didn't believe i could do one, but for some weird reason God endowed me with the uncanny and illegitimate ability to actually do a well executed cartwheel. So, i got steady, took aim, and boom, did a beautiful, olympic tumbling level cartwheel. Unfortunatly somewhere in between putting my one hand down and landing on my feet, i pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder region. So, since that time i have been struggling with actual insane pain and a loss of mobility in that region. How embarresing is that to pull a muscle or several muscles doing a cartwheel.....well, very embaressing. Also, i watched the movie Jarhead. It sucked don't bother with it, you will be disappointed, just like i am with the vancouver canucks. But thats a whole other post.
A Cartwheel? You have more courage than I do... that is for sure... but to be honest, I think I remember you doing a few great cartwheels in Vermilion without pulling any muscles. HOpe you feel better... the Canucks? Ya, that really sucks. I was hoping they'd make it.
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