Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Leadership Hopefully

Good Afternoon Peeps. My brain isn't functioning right now very well, I'm in a fog (not a london fog, though both the geographical and liquid versions would probably both be welcomed right now) My mind is empty, but full it's weird. I posted a comment on Jon Kramer's blog not too long ago, because he had posted about leadership, and i mentioned how it was my intention to post my recent thoughts on the subject as well. Well, since my mind is not working I thought - sounds like a good time to blog. Also, I'm waiting for the mechanic to call me and tell me my Car is finished being fixed. So, I have some time and mental capacity to kill. Also, by commenting on Jon's blog - i put pressure on myself to actually do this, wheras, had i not said anything, i wouldn't feel obligated to make such a post. So, with all that in mind (obligation and mental incapacties) read on with hopes for something somewhat readable.

Leadership. Everyone is always talking about leadership. People are writing books about it, people are taking tests about it, people are comparing and contrasting...blah, blah, blah, blah. Leadership. Am I one? I've always thought that I was...but recently i have been questioning it. Am I actually a leader? Do i have what it takes to get people to follow me? Cause isn't that the mark of a leader? Someone who people follow?

A couple weeks ago, I sat down with my boss over a Tony Romo's lunch and we discussed my job description. You see, I wanted to say my "new job description", but it can't be "new" if i've never had an "old job description". I had some questions that needed to be answered, words and thoughts that needed to be clarified, and over this lunch I recieved what i was looking for. One of the questions i had, had to do with the word leadership. In my job description - one of the required skills was - "high leadership skills". And my question was..."What does that mean?". What I wanted to know was - for my boss - what does leadership look like? Does he have a vision or expectation of what leadership is that fits with my expectation? And moreover does it fit with my abilities? I was seriously doubting that for a few days. Out of the conversation, came the observation that it was believed and recognized that leadership skills and abilities do exist in my skill set. But the real observation (which also served as a sort of wake up call to me) was that, it seemed as though i might be trying to lead from a place that was unnatural to me. Meaning - I was trying to lead like someone else. I suppose even in my own mind, subconciously perhaps, I had an understanding of what leadership looked like...and it looked a lot like my former boss. Words like "visionary" come to mind. He had great ideas, and more then that, he had the passion and the ability to get other people passionate about his great ideas, and even beyond just getting them passionate, he had an ability to get people to find there places on his team and follow him. It was awesome! And the observation followed that perhaps I was trying to lead out of that place, rather then the place where MY actual leadership skills and natural abilities lie. All of the sudden it made sense - as i was questioning if i was even a leader or just a follower in leaders clothing - it dawned on me, that perhaps my lack of fruit with leadership came from trying to live out a model of leadership that was not me. (Props to the Beach Boy's song "That's Not Me" the Beach Boys are cool)

The problem now remains, that although i have some confidence in the idea that yes, maybe, perhaps, I am a leader...I really don't know my leadership anymore. In fact, in a lot of ways, i feel like i don't know myself, or at least my self awareness has declined significantly. People are noticing things in me, that i'm not seeing until they point it out. In order to discover my strength's in leadership - i've got to figure out what they are - and i'm not totally sure where to go from here. I have a general distrust for Christian leadership tests - or tests of any kind - I think I want people to speak into my life and just tell me where my strengths are and where they aren't. It's much easier that way - but when other people are telling me, it's a lot easier to dismiss them as character heretics.

Regardless of what i figure out, i have a burden lifted off me just knowing that i have the freedom to lead in my comfort zone and my strengths and i'm not going to lose my job, just cause i'm not gifted in the way "stereotypical" leaders are.

My Van is still not ready - but i'm running out of things to say. I've given up pop again, because of my affliction, and today has been really hard, because i am really thirsty - yet have nothing to drink that isn't sugar filled and carbonated. I almost gave in to the temptation of Dr. Pepper - but in the end - i stayed strong.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No Line on the Horizon

March 3rd 2009 marked the release of U2's latest album - No Line on the Horizon. People have been talking about it. They say things like "Hey Mike, have you heard the new U2 single?" and i would say - "no - i don't really listen to the radio". And then they tell me to "download or listen to it for free on the internet" and i say - "no thanks, i'll wait for the album to come out". And then they say - "this new song sucks!" and i say - "we'll see". So in preperation for this new record by a band whom i love - i insulated myself against hearing the song before i could hear the whole album - and i insulated myself against the opinions of those whose opinions I don't trust - and even a few i did trust - so that i could hear the offering in it's entirety and make my own decisions. Not to mention the fact that taste in art is totally subjective - so what might suck to you - might be beautiful and perfectly timed to meet me where I am.
So, after giving it many listens - here are my thoughts. I don't love it. I don't hate it. But i don't love it. I like a lot of the musicianship - Edge's guitar stands out quite well on this record - there are some cool riffs and melodies and things of that nature. But overall - none of the songs grabbed me - the way that usually 3-6 songs per U2 album do. I understand that U2 went in a different direction with this album - as they have done before (see Zooropa and Pop) and i can respect that - and even albums that are not considered great upon release i usually find a hidden Gem or two as i allow it to grow on me. The first single "Get on Your Boots" I really actually don't like. Rolling Stone Magazine gave the album a 5 star review which you can read here, which i don't totally agree with - though - i recognize my lack of musical experitse compared with that of David Fricke - but there was one thing in his review that stood out as something i agreed with - in his description of "Get on Your Boots" he said "It is a strange thing to sing on a record that more often reveals itself in tempered gestures, at a measured pace. (The main exception, the outright frivolity of "Get on Your Boots," comes right in the middle, as if the band thought it needed some kind of zany halftime.)". Basically - the song comes out of nowhere and makes no sense as a song fits on an album.
Also one other negative note - the last song - "Cedars of Lebanon" ends awkwardly. It is a cool song. Low - soft yet with an Edge (not The Edge - but an Edge) lyrically and in the tone - but then it just ends. No build up - no denoumont if you will - but it's literally like Bono sings the last line (which is a cool line) and then they just press stop on the recording and you get the sense after they press stop the band continues and finishes the song - it leaves me wanting in a bad way. Kind of like when you go to see a movie and it ends abruptly without wrapping things up and you are like - "that's it?". Thats how "Cedars of Lebanon" left me feeling.
On the good side - there is one song that i particularly enjoyed - consequently it is also the same song on the record that Gabe Krahn particularly enjoyed. Track 3 - "Moment of Surrender". I can't even explain why i like it - it's the vocal most similar to what you would expect from a Bono vocal considering thier last two records. It's got that personal - spiritual feel to it and it's seven and a half minutes long. It's the one i like the best on an album of songs that don't I don't connect with.
Don't worry - I still love U2 - I still consider it a life goal to see them in concert before my demise, and I will even continue to listen to this record - because as many things do when given the chance - they grow on you.