Friday, April 20, 2007

Relevant Magazine

That title is misleading. I haven't ready anything interesting in relevant magazine lately, so thats not what this is about. Although, don't take that as a slam on relevant magazine, i just have not read one in a long time, so there may have been interesting articles and information, but i haven't read one in a while so i have not been able to partake and thus have not been able to share any of the relevant wisdom with you here in this venue.

Man, Relevant is a popular word in Christianity World.
Anyway, I am reading something. I'm reading a book called "The Radical Reformission" and it's written by a Pastor named Mark Driscoll. I'm only two chapters in, and already this book has me thinking more deep thoughts perhaps then any other book i've read with the exception of "The Bible" and "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. (clearly i've discovered the power of the link again...props to that AUC-NUC alumni newsletter or whatever it is) Anyway, the last chapter (chapter two) was about relevance. I like what he said because i find that many of the people so bent on relevance in Christianity take it too far, and actually become part of the culture as opposed to the "in the world, but not of the world" idea. I myself have done this before, but i see this as a big danger to the Gospel. Anyway, he talks about the importance of being culturally relevant, but also the danger of forgetting in that to be faithful to God, so that was one point i liked.
I've decided this blog isn't really going anywhere because i am not explaining very well what is being shown to me. So, just buy and read the book.
Other then that, life is swell, hanging out with new friends, developing relationship (which always seem to happen on Canuck Playoff Game nights...but i'm not complaining), but it's been good, because for the first couple months of being here, Cara and I often felt lonely. It was a harder transition then we thought it would be in terms of relationships, but we've finally taken some initiative (and by we....i mean Cara, but luckily she takes me along with her) and spent time with people here in the church and created some friends out of people we could have only before considered friendly aquaintances.
In the meantime, i'm feeling kind of hungry, which is bizarre because for once I actually had breakfast today. It must've been all that thinking i've done this morning about going on a diet that has gotten me hungry. Also, there should be a "Man Curves". I should start my own cult of self concious men who want to lose weight but are too embarresed to go to the gym, but also, "Man Curves" should be cheaper then lady curves, or lady curves should also just be cheaper. I don't know. I think if i had a team of people that wanted to work out with me, and were in the same boat physically i would be more inclined to do that. I also like to play team sports, but none of the ones i play exist right now so i was thinking of playing "ball" this summer, but i've never been very good at "ball" and also, it's one of the least athletic sports in the world. Especially if you are a pitcher. The blue Jays had some fat pitchers...who were they again...Roger Clemons, but he was only slightly chubby, who was the other guy, who went and played for the Yankees? I don't know, i just don't actually care about Baseball in any way shape or form....
Also, i have a big youth event tonight. I hope it goes well and we get some teens to come out and have some fun.
Since this blog basically has no purpose, theme, or relevance, i believe i will end it here. But seriously, buy that book, it's really good.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long time Comin'

Hey, so, if you don't know the bad news from my life, you can email me or call me, i'm not getting into that here, but i think you all know. I don't know exactly who all reads this blog, because creeps sometimes look at my blog, but regardless, if you don't know, then you probably don't need to know, and if you don't know, but you should know, ask someone who knows. And if you don't know, because you aren't really supposed to know, just keep reading my blog over the next few months and you will probably figure it out unless you are an idiot in which case, you really shouldn't know....Speaking of things you shouldn't know....I may be blogging when i should be finishing my talk for youth tonight.

Well i just need a break ok, don't hold it against me, in which case you will eventually become one of the people who doesn't know.

Man, i'm feeling a little fiery today. Perhaps it's because i've got some sweet mamma-jamma slippers on, or perhaps it's because of my sweet Jack Bauer poster hanging in my office confidantly staring at me the way only Jack Bauer could, or perhaps it's because of something i dont' want to publicly discuss, or perhaps, and most likely it's this, except for perhaps it's a little bit of the last option as well, it's because IT'S PLAYOFF TIME AND THE CANUCKS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS, BECAUSE IF THE CANUCKS WERE NOT IN THE PLAYOFFS, I WOULD CARE LESS, but would still be slightly excited but that doesn't matter because THE CANUCKS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS AND THEY START TONIGHT, but unfortunatly I have youth group tonight so i won't get to watch it, but such is the life of a youth pastor who cheers for the canucks while living in an oilers fan base. Needless to say, i'm kind of excited for a NHL playoff season that features the team of my dreams, The Vancouver Canucks.

So I have an interesting story. There is this cult in Vermilion, actually it's all over Canada, I don't know if it's in the states or abroad, but it's definitly in Canada and more specifically Vermilion, and yesterday, my wife payed them a visit, for what reason, i prefer not to say, but all you need to know is that she was in thier building, and they accepted her because of her gender. Anyway, i needed to talk to her about some plans for later that afternoon and she was not answering her mobile device, so i decided, i was going in! I parked awkwardly outside thier building, do to thier inconsistantly marked parking spaces, and headed for the door. I'll admit, I was nervous, I didn't know thier protocol, would they shoot my on site? Would they have bouncers for scum like me? Would there be a laser beam security system that i would have to Jack Black it through (this only makes sense if you've seen the film "Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny", that being said, i do not recommend you to see this film, in fact i reccomend that you don't for reasons deeper then personal taste). Whoa. No, it seemed safe. I entered the opague front doors only to come in to contact with a person I knew. She was a lady from my church, and i could only assume that she was posing as a double agent with this cult in order to gain information on thier cultish, gender exclusive practises. I asked her if she thought it was safe for me to enter, she said yes, i said....ok. I tentativly stepped forward into the shadows which i thought may contain my own destiny, i took a deep breath as if it may be my last, opened the door, and stepped into the light.
Only to be "greeted" by looks of suprise, shock and mistrust, and then my wife running at my chasing me out as if my life depended on it. Maybe it did, i will never know, because thats as close as i the cult known as....Curves for Women....