sleepy, hockey, neck pain
Hello friends. It's been a long time. I've been busy.
I've been meaning to blog for a while. Every once in a while i've had a thought enter my head and then i thought - hey this would be interesting to blog about. But then - time confines me.
For instance recently i thought of blogging about something shallow - like the acting talent of Scarlett Johansson. I've seen a lot of her movies. She first entered my world after seeing her performance in "Lost in Translation". I believed everything about that film was excellent - including Scarlett's acting. I also thought she was hot. I mean my brain is blazing hot! Anyway, since that time - i have gone out of my way to see films that she is in. Here is a comprehensive list of Scarlett films i have seen after "Lost in Translation". Get ready - this next part will be boring.
"Ghost World", "A Love SOng for Bobby Long", "In Good Company", "The Black Dahlia", "The Other Bolyn Girl", :Vicki, Cristina, Barcelona", "He's Just Not that In To You". Thats close to half of all the movies she has been in since "Lost in Translation".
All of these other movies suck. There is not one of these movies that i have really enjoyed. In face some of them, i really hated. And not only that - i find Scarlett's acting to be average to below average. In addition i find her characters very similar. She's very typecast as the sultry temptress - which i guess is ok - cause she looks like a sultry temptress.
I recently had this thought - that maybe Scarlett wasn't as great as i thought she was - and i shared it with a few peeps - and they recommended before i make my final decision that i need to watch one of her films that i haven't seen - "The Island". So i will watch this film - i may even enjoy it - but i have a weird feeling that if i do like it - it will have more to do with the writing - Steve Buscumi, and Ewan McGregor then Scarlett.
Then i thought back to "Lost in Translation" - the only movie with which i have credited her with skill and talent - and i realized - maybe she wasn't so great after all - maybe the glow of Bill Murray's brilliance shone so brightly that it blinded me to Scarlett's acting skills - and maybe her hotness had something to do with it to - as i was a single - college student at the time.
To sum it up - "Lost in Translation" good (possibly only because of Bill Murray), Scarlett Johansson - probably overrated by myself - and the world - though i am willing to give her another chance. Stay tuned for blogs that aren't being written while i am sleepy, listening to hockey, and suffering neck pain.
Good Night - and God Bless.