The Life Aquatic with Mike Shaolin and Steve Zissou
Greetings from the Shaolin
So, first of all, it has come to my attention that my blogs have becoming increasingly whiney. For this, i apologize. I will, from now on, keep my whining to myself and a few close friends. Or i will whine in one blog, not five in a row. Thanks to Dave for having the guts to point out what we all were aware of but just to scared to mention, because you all thought i would have some sort of nervous breakdown if you critisized my blog. Speaking of Nervous Breakdowns, that reminds me of a song by the Rolling Stones called "19th nervous breakdown".
Everyday that passes i think of such great stuff to blog about, but then i sit down at my computer and can't remember a single thing that i thought about. It's really frustrating that way.
Work is going alright, we started painting this house on Monday, and we refer to it as "The Gargoyle House" because it has Gargoyles on it. The house is actually painted pink though, so it's not scary at all. Dave (on of my co-workers) and i were talking today how if it were like painted black (once again another Rolling Stones reminder) it would look like a scary haunted house, but it's pink, so that kind of takes away from the effect.
So at the end of August i am going back to North Vancouver. I am really, really excited about this trip. It is full of potential for great things to happen, it's going to be an awesome time to spend with family and friends, and just to relax. Even though i say relax, i know for sure it's not going to be relaxing at all. I will have so much stuff i will need to do, that i will be on the go the entire time. Especially since Cara is coming to visit as well. There will be a lot of meeting people, and hanging out and going places.
So i picked up "Church on the Other Side" for the first time in like two months. I have started reading this book like three times, but then i always put it down and get busy with other stuff, and kinda forget about it. Anyway, i read a chapter and a half today, and everytime i read it, i really enjoy it, and learn stuff, but for some reason, i can't keep it going the way i usually can with a book.
Hey, i need some prayer. I gave up spending money. I don't buy CD's anymore, or videos, or clothes, or food (like eating out), and beer. I am trying to save money for more important things in life, and it's really hard. I haven't caved on cd's or movies yet, but i caved the other day and bought a beer, and i bought some cheeseburgers today. In hindsight not much money, but it's more money i could've put away. I know living like a scrooge will make me unhappy, so i need to find some times where i can spend and buy stuff for friends, like go out for a meal every now and then, but if you could pray for my attempts to not spend money uselessly, i would really appreciate that. And or, if you ever feel like buying me a CD, or a movie, or a meal, i will rarely not accept such an offer.
Luckily, i have been able to rip music on to my computer so i have access to some new music, via my friends CD's. One of the new groups i like is called Joel Plaskett, or formerly The Joel Plaskett Emergancy. Anyway, he has a song on one of his CD's called "Natural Disasters". It's really awesome, and he is from Nova Scotia, which makes him kinda cool, cause i have family in The Nov. Scot. Well, actually that doesn't make him cool, but his music does, it's really quite good. Sometimes i think he sounds like Adam Duritz (of Counting Crows) at least vocally speaking, but i think that is only in one song, and even then it may be a bold overstatement caused by my incredible drunkenness.....just kidding, i'm not actually drunk, but i mean, if you listen to it, you might think i would have to be to hear a similarity to Adam Duritz. Though i think it might have to do more with the passion with which he conveys his words and soul. Anyway, "Natural Disasters" by Joel Plaskett from his CD "La De Da" is the song of the day, and if you have the means and or the desire, you should check it out.

Also, before i go, i wanted to leave you with this. I have been thinking about shaving my beard into something differant. So i am going to post a picture of what i look like now, and if you want me to keep the beard, tell me, and if you want something new, tell me. So it's up to you people, now is the time to voice your opinions. Clearly the picture is right next to this text and clearly, that is me with my girlfriend Cara, who is beautiful and wonderful. Peace out!
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