Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Wish I Was a Pinball Wizard, or at Least, was Going to See One

and if by wizard i mean my parents and extended family, then the above statement would be correct. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, i am headed for home. And if by home i mean North Vancouver British Columbia, then once again i would be correct. It feels great, and speaking of things that feel great, i can name one thing, actually two things that do not feel great. The first one is my back, particularly my lower back. I have had terribly uncomfortable and fitful sleeps for the last few days and today my back is suffering. The other thing that is not great is the fact that i am leaving my fiance, my women, my sweet love Cara, for an extended period of time over the Christmas Holidizzles. Thats right, i said holidizzles. Anyway, other then those two items, i feel wonderful.

So, in my night of fitful sleeping, i encountered a dream, and i plan to recount it for you here and now (izzle).

....I was in some sort of conferance room with my friends, Matt, Connie and Catherine, i do not remember what we were doing, or what we were talking about, that part of the dream is hazy, but from there, i remember collecting two Air Soft guns, both hanguns (which Paul Martin pledged to ban outright as a reaction to the growing number of handgun murders in canada, once again proving how incompantant he is, because clearly, it is not the registered handguns that are doing the shooting, these weapons are the illegal unregistered kind....oh what a fool). Anyway, i got these two handguns and began stalking though a forest of some kind. It was not a thick, old growth forest, it was near to a dirt road, and there were trees and bushes on either side. I was moving stealthily along and alone, looking for what i percieved to be my enemies. There were people everywhere, hiding, trying to shoot one another with these guns, and i remain intact. Then i see someone, and unload on that person, managing to hit them, and remain myself unscathed. Then i saw Kieran, and we had a bloody exchange, with me coming out as the victor. (Ok, it was not bloody, these are not real guns, in fact, in the dream Kier disputed that i even shot him, but whatever) After my excahnge with Kieran, I continued, now running and rolling dowin the dirt road, which had now become a hill, i tripped over an overgrown patch of grass and stump, that was deep enough for me not to initially see the girl hiding in them, but luckily, i had the skills to pull out my weapon and fire on her before poor little Amy (the soccer playing girl) had a chance to do so to me. From thence, i darted into the bushes on the side of the road, because there seemed to be a stampede of people coming towards me. Note, before i shot amy, i rolled down the hill, to avoid being shot at by Kier, and i came up and found the Librarians of my school in the bushes to my right, and i shot them as well....sorry Adam, keep in mind this was all a dream of some air soft game. Ok, so here i am in the bushes, with a stampede of people coming towards me, many of them went to the right, away from me, when i decided to emerge and begin shooting, as i ran out of the bushes one of my handguns fell, and was still in the bushes, i ran back to get it, but someone who was very swift managed to snatch it away before i could get to it, i reemerged from the foliage to find an elder and former employer of mine from Vermilion, leading a second charge of people right at me. People from Vermilion, people from my school, faculty and staff from my school, we all seemed to be having some giant game, and then i realized where i was...I was at Belle Vue Bible Camp.....and before,i could be smoten by Mr. Webb and his horde, i was awoken by my sister, who wanted to know if she should take Psychology or Acting.

Anyway, my day has been slow since then, and i need to go pack my carry on bag for the place, and also i need to attend to some other personal business postehaste. I offer my love and affection to you as you enjoy your Christmas Holidays, hopefully with people you love, and love you back, cause if they do not love you back, that would be a clear example of whats known as unrequited love, which is seen quite clearly in the story of Frankenstien.

Song of the Day is by Nirvana. It is from thier UNPLUGGED album, and it is called: Jesus doesnt want me for a sunbeam. It is a keen song that makes remarkable use of an instrument known as an accordian. It is a very selfish, and bitter song, but it is still really a good song. So good in fact that i put it on a very important mix cd one time. Anyway, i gotta run.

Merry Christmas, and be aware that my next update will come from the muddy banks of North Vancouver (izzle)

Fondest Regards:

The Shaolin

ps. please drink responsibly this holiday season. I know i will.


Blogger Keller said...

Mike FYI, the last comment which appeared to be from me is actually John Schienbein who is stealing people's identity and posting blogs as them... be careful because you'll never know who's next.

On another note, I think that your sleeping problems may be linked to the action in your dreams. I hope you have an amazing Christmas... will you be coming to Vermilion at all?

7:07 PM  

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