The Gift of Love
So, today i was hanging out with Cara. After some morning and afternoon errands we picked up my VHS copy of the epic Mel Gibson Film "Braveheart" so that we could watch it at Cara's aunt and Uncle's house, which apperantly only had a VCR.
Before settling in to watch this massive film which to me is one of the most, if not the most beautiful film of all time, Cara had to use the washroom and i don't know, do something else, so i being the tired and weak man that i am, collapsed on her bed and tried to catch a snooze while she used the facilities etc. Whilst i lay upon the bed, i happened to notice two things. First, i noticed her stuffed Monkey. Then i noticed her sleeping atire. Cara sleeps in these pink pajama pants and a t-shirt that i gave her. You see when i left Vermilion back in June, i wanted to give her something to let her know that i cared about her, and also something that would remind her of me when she missed me and was lonely, because frankly, when i am not around, people get pretty lonely. I was trying to figure out what i could give her, when it came to me. I could give her an important piece of clothing to me, and so i gave to Cara my black Weezer t-shirt. This shirt was important to me because it was the first Rock and Roll T-shirt i bought at a rock and roll t-shirt shop, it was my first weezer t-shirt, it was the T-shirt i wore to the Weezer concert i went to, it was the shirt i always wore when i travelled, i called it my "Travel Shirt". The shirt to me was very sentimental. So, i gave it to Cara. This is what it looks like. Anyway, she was really happy to recieve this gift from me, and as i said, she uses it as a sleeping shirt, which i think is pretty cool and alright. Anyway, i happened to notice the shirt lying on the bed waiting for Cara later tonight, and i thought of it as my gift of love. And then i thought, Holy Crap, if that's the best i can do that is pretty weak, especially considering the gift of love that God gave to us. In Jesus, God gave us the ultimate gift of love, a gift that allows us to remain in relationship with God for eternity once we die on earth and which also allows us to live and abundant life filled with hope and love here on earth. I'm not downplaying my gift to Cara, and it really was from my heart, and is a true show of love from me to her, but any gift that anyone gives is mediocre and pointless in comparison to the gift that God offered the world. I guess as we head in to the Christmas season we (me included and especially) would do well to consider the gift that Christ was to us as we think of what new matieral item to give, or to ask for. As cliche' as it sounds you can't have "Christmas" without Christ.
On the subject of gifts, and besides the gift of Christ, what is the best gift i ever got? Two things come to mind. I don't remember how old i was, but i know i was much younger, probably 6 or 7 there was a Christmas where i recieved a bicycle. Not just any bicycle but a Norco 12 speed or something like that. A sweet as heaven, midnight blue and white mountain bike that i could not wait to break in. So thankfully being in British Columbia, i was able to go out on the road in front of my grandparents house and give it a whirl (cause it doesn't snow on Christmas in Vancouver). Now that i think about it, i may have been like 9 or 10 or something.
The other thing that comes to mind was my birthday in like 1992 or 1993 or something. Once again, i was nine or ten years old, and i was at my birthday party with sunglasses on. No, not cause i was too cool for that scene, but because four days before i had a run in with a tree stump and my eyes were still swollen pretty shut, and cause it made my grandpa cry to see me all messed up like that. He's an emotional guy and i love him. Anyway, that birthday, i recieved a trio of awesome gifts that i count as all together because they had similar themes. First was a framed Pavel Bure Poster with autographs in the bottom corner from the Canucks, who i love, and loved at the time. Then i got tickets to the Canucks game that night against the Calgary Flames (the canucks lost that night by the way...didn't they know it was my first NHL game and they needed to try harder for me? I guess someone forgot to tell them!) Then i was given something to wear that night to the game. A white (home) Canucks Jersey. I just about crapped my pants. This was by far the best birthday of my life (although the one where i was hopped up on morphine wasn't too bad either).
The point is, as jealous as you may be because of my awesome presents, and as awesome as my gifts were, they still don't compare to the gift that God gave to us. The awesome part about that gift he gave us is, we get to share that and pass it on to others. Think about the gift you've been given this holiday season, and pass it on. Ask God to give you an opportunity to share this gift with someone soon.
Anyway, i think that's enough for today. It's been busy and i still have a wrestling floor meeting to lead this evening. Thats right, giant college guys throwing each other around with reckless abanadon. I hope some of the moves i learned today from Braveheart come in handy as i teach these youngsters a thing or two. Hey also, i've been working out, so that i can really dominate, and this is what i look like now... now ladies, don't get too excited, i am engaged. (but i hear the guy in the picture isn't) (guy in the picture if you are offended by this, just let me know and i'll remove it)
Anyway, song of the day is "Summer Skin" by Death Cab for Cutie. Once again a cut from thier most recent album "Plans". It's a jim dandy of an album and it's a jim dandy of a song. As you well know the part of songs that matters most to me is the lyrics, and i really enjoy the lyrics of this song, as it refers to care-freeness of a summer in the songwriters youth. It also refers to the summer romance that couldn't last. Summers were important back in the day, not working, spending your parents money, having the time of your life, pursuing what you thought to be the girl (in my case) or guy (possibly in your case) of your dreams. It was magic and this song captures it, so if you have the means and or the desire, i think you should hear it. Possibly more then once too.
Peace and Love - The Shaolin
Is the guy in the picture so desperate that he has to get others to advertise his availability on their blogs?
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I don't think Mel Gibson is that desperate... he's pretty old now and is married. The other good looking guy doesn't need a blog site to make girls aware of his availability.
Yeah, true. He doesn't need a blog site to make girls aware of his availability, they are aware...HAHA, just kidding Kyle. You can bug me for something else later. Hey, Michael, I'll be thinkin' of you this Christmas now when I get a bicycle, ha, but really, that was a good blog.
Hey Mike, just checking to see if Mel had any hits yet? I hope your advertising is working out for him.
Unfortunatly, due to Mel's current state of facial hair (a long rabbinical beard) and his addiction to Orthadox Catholicsim, his attractiveness is not as marketable as i thought it would be.
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