Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm off to see the Wizard....

...the wonderful wizard of Westlock!
That's right, me and my three travelling companions leave in about 35 minutes to go to Westlock, to visit our friends the Kramers and also to work on something known as our "Accreditation Packages", and i know i would talk more about Women in Church Leadership, but i don't want to anymore. For any of you who just happen to be dying to know what i think. I don't feel comfortable with all aspects of it, (ie: I would feel weird with a female sr. pastor) but my comfortability does not always indicate the truth and or correctness of the situation, and this is no differant. Women who are gifted in areas that point to eldership and pastoral ministry, leadership etc, should be allowed to use them in the Church.


Anyway, i'm off for a few days, so don't expect to see much blogging unless of course i get a chance to blog from the Kramers home, because you know i love to blog from other peoples houses. Like remember that time i blogged from Bernie's? Hopefully this working on accereditation will give me some stuff to think and talk about with you my faithful bloggers, stuff that i can tranlate into meaningful blogs and comprehensive ideas that you yourself can comment and respond to, having been down this road yourself.


For this weekend to be a success, i need (ok well i don't need, but i would really appreciate it) if the Vancouver Canucks won all of the games that they might be scheduled to play in the next four days, because due to the poorness in the last two results, i am feeling a little, oh whats the word, malnourished? no thats not it, apathetic, yeah apathetic towards the team that i love. But thats not a rant i want to have now.

For some reason, the song "Soul Meets Body" (not to be confused with Boy Meets World) by Death Cab for Cutie has be running through my mind ever since i awoke this morning at the un-godly hour of 7:30 am. I attempted to watch Pirates of the Carribbean with my floor last night, but was unable to complete it due to my old man nature these days, so i went to bed at 12:30, and woke up 7 hours later with the song "Soul Meets Body" in my head, and it's still there folks. I'm glad i packed that CD in my CD case of music to bring to Westlock, cause i need to listen to it at some point today, and besides, if you have the means and or the desire to listen to this fantastic song, then i think you should. Don't any of you have I-Pods, or anything like that where you can legally download music and listen to it on your I-Pod? Well, if you do, you should get this song and listen to it. It's a great song, from a great album (Plans is the name of the album) from a great band.

Pray that I glean some nuggets of wisdom from the ever wise (not to be confused with Everwood, or 7th Heaven, or Gilmore Girls, or any other show Cara likes) Jon Kramer and his wife Kim, who once told me Pepper is bad for my Colon....well, we'll see about that won't we?


Blogger Bassmaster Fehr said...

I think there's a hidden story in that last line, what with your mention of nuggets and colons...

5:19 PM  
Blogger Keller said...

try waking at the ungodly hour of 2:30am and packing your stuff to go sleep in a warmer abode... let's say, the EDGE? I think you'd have to imagine your temperature dropping to 8.3 degrees inside.

3:01 AM  

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