Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Conversations about the Canucks

Man, it's been so long since i blogged i nearly forgot my password. How are you fine folks. I am quite well, for several reasons. For instance, on the morrow, i am leaving the fine city of Calgary and returning to Vancouver for a quick trip home to enjoy the Christmas festivities with the warmth of family relations. Also, i feel good because i am listening to, for the first time (which is not bad considering i bought it 15 minutes ago) the new Ryan Adams album "29". I'm currently on track 2, and am already completely enjoying it. This second track is called "Strawberry Wine", which is the name of another song by some female country singer, and i was scared Ryan was going to cover it, cause that would be weird considering, that other is about the female singer losing her virginity..eeee...I had a very funny conversation about that song one time when i was having lunch in Cold Lake. Anyway, Ryan isn't covering that other song.

I don't have much to say, or perhaps to report. I have been doing very little in the way of constuctive activity lately. I finished all my papers like three weeks ago, and have had only two exams. Well, i've technically only had one, the next one is in an hour and a half. Truth be told, i haven't studied to hard either, but i am confidant of my success. So what i mean by all this, is, i have been doing something called "relaxing" for the last 2 and a half weeks or so. I finished all my Christmas shopping, which was not really a relaxing situation, but since i went early in the morning it wasn't too bad either. I can distinctly remember, meeting Cara at the mall, while i was shopping for her Christmas present, and then i put her present in my car, and we went and had a delicious breakfast at Ricky's. Just thinking about it makes me quite hungry, i want some Breakfast right now, but alas, i have no breakfast products or financial means to procure some, because Ryan Adams was more important then eating.

This blog is going nowhere as you can tell, but i felt admonished by Jon Kramer's blog who said something about not letting exams and business keep you from blogging. I met with my mentor this last week. We talked dealing with "eccentric" or strange people. I'm not talking about annoying or jerky people, don't get confused, i'm talking about strange people, people who seem to exist outside of the plain of regular existance and thought. Fringe thinkers, people who legitamatly seem kinda nuts. I guess the point George was trying to make was these people are really easy to just write off as nut-bars. If you can show these people the love, and interest that they deserve and seek, you often can learn something remarkable from them. They seem to always have something to teach us. But if we write them off, we lose two things. The relationship, and the perspective that these fringe people can offer us.

Song of the Day is "Nightbirds" by Ryan Adams. It's from his new album, it's a pretty great song. Note, don't confuse this with the artist, Ryan Adams and the Cardinals. Differant band. Same band leader, but differant band and sound. ANyway, i have a headache, and this CD has long and wonderful songs. But i need to get off the computer before my head explodes. If y'all gots the means and or the desirizzle, check out "Nightbirds" by Ryan Adams. You shant be disappointizzled.


Blogger Keller said...

Now that you've brought up the topic, I was wondering what Strawberry Wine actually tastes like. Deanna Carter obviously knew and made a link to another experience, I'm not talking about that... I'm talking about real Strawberry wine. Now I'm curious. Maybe too curious.

7:02 PM  

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