Hoth:The Ice Planet
I have decided that Calgary and it's weather system and that weather systems effect on the city of Calgary are similar to that of the Ice Planet Hoth from the StarWars Trilogy. The winds are blowing so hard that it is caused me to move in directions and at speeds that i did not want to move. After blogging, i hope to aquire one of these creatures that you see in my picture. They are ideal for crossing the ice-desert that is both Hoth and Calgary.
So, today, the MC's for Youth Conferance were chosen, although at this point they have not been announced so i can't tell you who they are. I have also figured out that I would've preferred other MC's but I wasn't in the interviews and trust that the current Rallies team made the decision they felt was right.
Speaking of right, last night was the Christmas Banquet. I don't have much to say on that subject. Partially because my ride and my table mates left long before i was good and ready, so i was a little disappointed. I would've much rather stayed longer, but then i had no mode of transportation or anyone to sit with. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20. It was pretty decent overall, for the part that i was there for. I had a bit of a bad attitude about it because it seemed highly unorganized and the flow of it was weak. That might be because there was no MC's. MC's are able to give a consistant person to move and transition from presentation to presentation. We had several people speaking, most of which were not very good at speaking in front of people and holding attention of those in attendance. I don't know. My bad attitude at the event i think was partially my fault as well as being the fault of those cynical people i was sitting with. The food was great. I really had a good time with that situation, and i didn't even spill anything on myself, which was a more then added bonus.
I think the time has come to consume a Subway Sandwhich. Why? Because I am hungry. Also because I don't want to stay here at the school. I want to go home and lie in my bed and pout and read, and watch scrubs and listen to Elliott Smith, and play a video game or two, and pout, and maybe watch Happy Gilmour. That always makes me happy. Good luck with your lives and your afternoons and just be thankful you aren't in Calgary. Unless you are in Calgary, and then for that i am truly sorry.
Song of the Day is "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure. I heard it in a movie once. It was awesome. Then i put it on one of my epic mix CD's called "Mike's Mecca 4". If you have the means, the taste for 80's depressing pop, and the desire, then you should check it out. If you decide not to, then cuddle up in your bed in the dark and listen the entire Elliott Smith Musical Catelogue. I think that's what I will do.
I visited Hoth today. I left Hoth's sister planet, also known as Vermilion (not for "red heat" but for the colour of one's skin after being burned by cold) and headed for Calgary. I didn't see any Ton-tons along the way, but I did see a few people mad at the weather.
My trip was short as I had a friend going to the American Embassy and then we turned and headed back for our freezing community.
What were our ancestors thinking when they settled here? Were they banished from somewhere for criminal activity?
454 Tracks of Elliott Smith!? Gadzooks, don't keep any sharp objects around while you do that! And as far as your Star Wars creature exchange, I will have to get back to you, Ewoks are quite scarce at this time of the year as you well know.
Wow, you guys remind me of those nerds on the roof of the poolhouse on "Can't Hardly Wait". Way to go!
Mike, as I have gotten to know you it has become more apparent to me, the level of your nerdynous. Oh and by the way if that thing you bought the otherday eats my food or craps in my room one more time I will have to retaliate.
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