As i sit here, reflecting on the past days, and listening to the Get Up Kids, live at the Granada Theater, nothing is all that clear except that i wish i had seen the Get Up Kids live before they broke up, and also that this cd rules. Also, that i don't smell all that great.
I had a rude awakening last thursday morning. I woke up, showered, started getting ready for the day and my classes, not to mention the arrival of my love that night, when my roomate Kier told me there was a note for me on the door. It read "Mike, go take a look at your car" and then there was a sad face drawn on the paper next to the note. With a heavy heart and a sense of overall dread, i began the long march down the stairs to where my car is kept at all times in an underground parking garage. Upon arrival i noticed my back, driver side, triangle window was smashed in. Upon further inspection, it was found that all my stuff was thrown everywhere, the dash was taken apart, but the cd player was still there and intact. All that was missing was all my change, and my mini-mag light that my uncle David gave to me. So, now, i didn't lose much, except my temper. I was very angry that these people somehow got into the underground parking, and smashed up my car. Didn't take much, just made a mess. WHO DOES THAT!? I mean i'm glad they didn't steal my car, but i just don't understand who breaks into a car and then only steals some change and a mini mag light? Anyway, i need to get that fixed pretty soon.
That night Cara arrived, just in time to see me and my good friend Troy Dunham perform the seven songs we had been working on for so long. Thats right, the coffee house was that thursday night, and Troy and I rocked it. I think, "Afternoon Delight" "Don't tell me" and "I want it that way" were our biggest hits of the evening, though we did also perform some other beautys as well. Troy and I had som much fun that we have contemplated recording an album, but we don't really know anyone who has the electronic equipment needed to make this grassroots compliation for us. I wonder if we could scam the church troy works at? I should ask him.
From there, it was off for wings, which were amazing as usual.
I was just doing this down in the computer lab, and then the keys went all screwy, so i now type this from the second floor of the rez in Adam Ayer's room at Adam Ayer's computer. What a good lad.
We went to Urban Rice for wings which is a chinese place right by the school. They have good wings but they make you buy an expensive beverage in order to recieve the 20 cent wings, not to be confused with that gangster rapper named 50 Cent. Who by the way i dispise.
Last night was Futsol night. It means it was the season opener for the CBC-AUC-NUC-CTS-Whatever, soccer teams. It was a beautiful night of goal scoring, goal stopping, ref sassing, fan battles, and overall mayhem. We destroyed our enemies from Rockey Mountain College, emphasis on the enemy part. Some people think one of my comments was over the line, i don't neccesarily, but it was really funny.
I don't have much else to say, Cara and I hung out a lot and watched movies and visited with freinds, ate meals with friends and so on. It was one of the best weekends we have had since we have started only seeing each other on weekends when we get lucky enough to see each other. She was sick, but it was so good to see her. I missed her a lot, a whole friggen lot. We saw "Elizabethtown" which was actually a fairly good movie. Ok, thats it.

Ok, I'm done.
you have piqued my curiosity... share, pray-tell, with your faithful readers what this comment was that was so funny, yet over the line in the opinion of other more consciencious dudes or dudettes.
you have to understand, just in case you weren't aware, that AUC-NUC-CBC-CTS, whatever we are called, is in the process of negotiating the purchase of Rocky Mountain College (aparently global domination of bible colleges is the goal of our school) and as we were battling them in soccer, the fans of the school in question were acting in a manner that can only be described as assanine. So in responce to thier behavior and comments, i took it upon myself to remind these students that we are in such a process as to purchase them, and i did this by asking them "Hey don't we own your school!?". Some people thought it was over the line. If thats the case, then i live life on the other side of the line....
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