Sunday, September 18, 2005

Want some N-Juice?

Good Morning Friends.

I am writing to you from the dark dank dungeon of the dorms, also known as my home here in Calgary. It is sunday, and so you are probably wondering what i am doing not at church. If I was a pirate, i would probably kill you, rob you, grin a toothless grin and say "Therin Lies the Tale!", but since i am not a pirate or a pirate sympathizer, i will merely state that there is a reason that i am not at church.

Friday night, i went on a short jaunt in my automobile. Immeadiatly before parking my car for the evening and directly preceeding "The Shaolin Challenge" i must've turned on my automobile lights so that i could see something in the dark. Then i parked my car, not remembering to tun off the lights i only so recently turned on, in fact, i didn't realize this until the next morning when i went to take a drive in my car. My lights were still on, and when i saw that from a few feet away i knew trouble was afoot. Speaking of afoot, i have a cut on my foot. Anyway, back to the story, i tried my car, only to find that my deepest fears were true, i had drained my automobile battery, thus making my plans for the day null and void, not to be confused with a movie called "Nell", which i am almost certain stars Jodie Foster and Johnny Depp. I am wrong, it stars Jodie Foster and Liam Neeson, but Liam and Johnny kinda look alike, actually thats not true, but i think i may have been confusing Jodie Foster with Johnny Depp, which is a much more plausible comparitive mistake. Anyway, my car battery is dead, and i have been as of yet unable to locate a human being with a set of jumper cables and an automobile. So, i believe today will be the day that i get to change the status of my automobile back to driveable, or at least i hope as much.

My life is relativly unchanged since i last blogged. It seems like wedding planning things are becoming a reality. As much as i would like to not worry about it right now, i know that i need to, ok, perhaps i don't need to worry about them, but i do need to begin preparing them and acting on those preperations, and perhaps if i do those two things, worry need not follow, though i am certain it will, because it's a wedding, and it's important to try and do it well, and take care of everything so the Bride can have her amazing day, and not cry because the caterer dies, and it ends up you have no mashed potatoes at your wedding reception, or whatever little hassels can happen, though i feel that was a bad example. I have to do my best to have everything i possibly can prepared in advance and have back-up plans so if things happen that are out of my control, we can not have the wedding ruined.

As i wrote that, i realized though, that i am already trying to do this stuff in my own strength and not Gods, and that probably explains why i feel like i am getting no where. I seem to get these revelations all the time, or at least when i write and talk things out.

How great is it that the creator of the universe speaks to us, and more specifically at this moment - me?

Matthew 6:25-34

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness". How can i do this in the context of planning my wedding ceremony and reception. I suppose i should be seeking to glorify God and not my wife. Though i love my wife to be, and i believe she needs to be honoured and revered on the day of her wedding, it would be pretty smart and awesome to be able to give glory to God, through our planning and execution of the wedding stuff. I'll let you know how it goes.


This passage points me towards the more bare-bones things of life. Food, shelter, clothing ect, God promises to take care of us. He doesn't promise to give us everything we want, but he promises to take care of the essentials as we seek him. We don't need to worry because God has got our back, God is trying to take some stress out our lives as well as building into us a faith and trust in him. It's not easy, i worry about a lot of things, but more and more, i am trying to give it over to God, who wants to carry and ease my burdens. This also reminds me of Matt Russell's floor theme "If God is for us, who can be against us?", i believe it's from Romans 8:31, in fact i know it is. Trust in God's promises today my friends. God is there for us, he will take care of our needs, and as God goes ahead of us, nothing can really oppose us.

Song of the Day. This will be a bit of a departure for me from you. Meaning, it's not a departure for me, cause i used to listen to this CD and band often, but not since i started blogging, so you will probably never have heard me talk about them, unless you are Matt Russell, who just asked me who i was listening to. Anyway, i am listening to a band called "Mad Season", and no i am not confused with the title of a "Matchbox 20" album. The band is called "Mad Season" and they are a now-defunt side project of the now defunct band "Alice in Chains". Anyway, i first heard them when i borrowed my Uncle Dave's Cd, and i really got into them, because i was also really into "Alice in Chains" at the time. "Mad Season" features members from three differant Seattle grunge supergroups, "The Screaming Trees", "Pearl Jam" and of course "Alice in Chains". They only made one studio album (they also have a live EP of sorts, which i also own), but it is pretty awesome. Dark lyrics, haunting Layne Stayley vocals, non-pearl jam guitar sounds from Mike McCready, it's a great sound that i can really dig on. I think it sounds best in head-phones, rather then on a regular stereo or driving. The actual song that i want to highlight from Mad Season's debut album "Above" is a song entitled "River of Deceit". It the closest thing Mad Season ever got to a ballad, but it's not to heavy, and Layne shows off his singing ability in thie beautiful song. It describes the pain of being lied to, the pain of deceit and how it drags, and pulls ou down. It also talks about having the ability to make a decision to leave the pain behind though it seems like Layne has no intention of doing that. Anyway, it's a sad song, especially now considering Layne's death, but a great song none-the less. If you have the means and or the desire check out "River of Deceit" by Mad Season.

Until Next Time


Blogger Keller said...

I can see how you confused Johnny Depp with Jodie Foster. The cover of "Nell" depicts Jodie Foster's character as a manly sort. I've never actually seen the movie, but it was the brunt of all our jokes when my brother and I were deciding on a movie. We'd pick it up and say, "what the nell is this?" It was pretty creative for 14 year olds.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Kieran said...

Hey I went to church today and you could of came with me.....I think that you really just wanted to play wrestling. Anyway that is about it. see you in about 5 seconds as i am in my bedroom whilst you are again playing wrestling.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Shaolin said...

I feel like you never would have used the word "whilst" had it not been for the excessive use of the word in the annalls of my blog.
just an observation...
see you in five seconds when i come back upstairs

6:27 PM  
Blogger Kieran said...

This is true. I also would never have said 'this is' in the way that I just used it had I not been posting a comment. I forgot to write this is last time. We all know what the N is for you racist. Go join the KKK

12:49 AM  
Blogger Shaolin said...


Everyone knows N-Juice, stands for nutritional juice, so i don't know what you are talking about, maybe you could just take a chill pill..

10:10 AM  
Blogger Keller said...

Can you and Kier please keep your lover's quarrells confined to the dorm instead of posting them for the world to read?

11:00 AM  
Blogger Superjan said...

i heard through the grapevine that you got engaged not too long after were scheming the whole time, you little rascal. haha, are you going to keep to your promise and let Joy be your flower girl? If the caterer craps out, I can make some mean KD. keep me in mind.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

arrrrr matey! ya didn't happen to be at belleview in that thar summer of 94, now did ya?


12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kier, "you could cut the sexual tension with a knife"


12:59 PM  
Blogger Keller said...

I'm very disappointed that my favourite Chronicles (other than those of Narnia) are not being posted on a regular basis.

3:42 PM  

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