Beloved Bowels, not mine
I am now writing my first blog from the bowels of AUC, and it feels good to be back. Though it might also feel good, cause i am engaged, or because i am listening to disc 2 of Ryan Adams and the Cardinals fantastic album "Cold Roses".
This morning whilst on the john, i began reading a collection of C.S. Lewis essays that Matt gave to me as a present for being a groomsman. I didn't finish the essay, as i felt a little rushed this morning, (Reading on the john for long periods of time is not good for you anyway!) but Clive was writing about the incarnation, which for those of you who aren't familier with Bible College talk is the word that refers to Jesus becoming a human and living among his creation. Lewis made the assertion that when folks think about the incarnation they think about it in terms that refer only to his physical birth, as if the birth was the the be all and end all of the incarnation.
Lewis described the incarnation as not actually beginning with the birth of Christ, but with the decent from heaven, from his high exalted place, diving into the depths of a world which we can only scientifically describe. He was a fetus, he was all the things we are (except sperm possibly) and he arose through his birth, but then he eventually went back under (in his death) and then rose again in the resurrection. Lewis described it beautifully as a diver. Anyway, the way he described the incarnation as a more all encompassing event then just his physical birth was awesome. I feel like C.S. Lewis would've been a great person to just sit at the feet of and listen to his thoughts. His poetic soul adds a certain beauty to what would otherwise be, purely academic, theological thoughts. Anyway, I can't remember the name of the essay, but i will post it later.
I still haven't had my first class, it's at 2:30 this afternoon, but it is almost time for chapel. It's going to be great, everyone gets together and takes a picture of the entire student body, then we send it to churches. In fact, i need to get moving soon, because i have to take the train, which i forgot about for a minute. I guess for a minute i thought i was back in the good ol' days when i could walk down the hall and be at chapel. Oh well, i better come back to reality before i miss chapel and the picture.
Have a great day, speaking of day's song of the day is "Easy Plateau" by Ryan Adams and the Cardinals. Enjoy this timeless masterpiece if you have the means and or the desire. This is the Shaolin...over and out.
I am confused as well... more about Cold Roses... i've never even heard of disc 1.
Well, Yogger,
Cold Roses is the name of the debut Album by Ryan Adams and the Cardinals. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals is another pseudonym used by the artist Ryan Adams who has appeared and Released music under many names including, and not limited to: Whiskeytown, Ryan Adams, The Finger, and Ryan Adams and the Cardinals. Anyway, Ryan is a fantastic musician and artist who i began to enjoy back in the dark days of Regina, Saskatchewan. He has many sounds, alt-country, rocka-a-billy, country, rock, blues, alt-rock, so it is hard to classify him, but he is remarkable. Cold Roses is a great disc, that i recommend in general to a general yet specific audiance.
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