Monday, September 05, 2005

"Live Life, Live You're gonna Die. Because You're going to"

Good afternoon.

I am currently writing this blog to you from my new home in the Alliance Living Centre, or, as it is more commonly referred to...the dorms. Thats right, The Shaolin has returned to rez, after all these years, and after all these vows to never return, i am back, and i have a massive headache!

No, friends, my massive headache is not from the wild goings on that sometimes occur in rezez all across the world, you see my headache is from a poor, poor mattress and pillow. I need to buy a new pillow, i realized that many weeks ago, but thanks to support of other pillows supplenmenting my main pillow i have been able to survive, but now that my main pillow is all alone, it is leaving me wanting more from a pillow, thus, i have decided to get a new one.

Living in rez is going to be differant for me this year, because things have changed. Whereas, i was going to live on an actual rez floor with 18 year olds ect, there was not enough guys for three floors, so one floor is pretty much empty and thats where i live. So far it has sucked, because all the excitement has been on the other floors, and mine is quiet and dead, and sometimes lonely when my roomates aren't around, but i will get used to it, and i will have to get used to going up and socializing instead of staying in my cave and waiting for others to come to me. It will be a tough year, but it will be good. Asides from being away from everyone, i get other priveledges, like no curfew, and i can have friends over past open dorms time, and by friends, i mean girls, and by girls i mean Cara.

Also, i have been asked to fill the position of Vice-Presidant of the Missions Executive. This is a TANTALIZING offer (much like Jesus, or so i have heard) and i am prayerfully considering it, and leaning towards a yes answer.

Other then that, tonights plans include a BBQ, calling Cara, getting rid of this headache, playing video games, and maybe watching a film, but registration is on the morrow, so i want to get some sleep tonight.

The song of the Day is "The Hurricane" by Bob Dylan. I chose it with regards to Reuban "Hurricane" Carter, and also, some thing that happened down in the states. I shouldn't be so heartless, but maybe they shouldn't shoot at rescue vehicles and cops either.


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