Tim, do you want to be my Jogging buddy? No, but i will be your jogging buddy - the "J" is soft
Hello my dearest friends
I have been reading all of my old blogs (cause for some reason I decided to print them all and put them in a binder) and have noticed something alarming. I do a lot of blogging when I am insanely tired or fatigued, or fagged out, however I describe it. It seems that the time I find best for blogging is when I am feeling a lack of overall sleep. Today is no different.
My life is….something. I don’t even know, all I know is that this will be one of my last few blogs for quite a while because of the working conditions of my new job which start on Monday. The hours and the living situation are not acclimatized to my internet usage regularity. Oh well, I will try and squeeze one or two in now and then, because I love to blog. This reminds me of a song from the film “Marry Poppins” called “I Love to laugh”. When I was a kid, I really loved that movie and particularly that scene. Perhaps at some point this summer I will watch this film. Perhaps with a girl, perhaps and more likely with Tim Houghton, who along with his brother Joshua will be my roommates upon my arrival in the humble town of Calgary Alberta. Anydiddle, I had a good week thus far. For instance, last Sunday (when did I blog last?) my friend Jamie stopped in on her way home and we had a nice lunch together and also a good time of hanging out and chatting. It was a remarkably beautiful day, which at the time seemed normal, but now, it is not, the weather has turned sour. Then I was greeted by Tuesday, (well actually Monday, wait, I blogged on Tuesday, this is all old news isn’t it?) Ok, Tuesday night was to be my final Fusion (youth group event) ever as an intern. Kyle (my mentor) told me to prepare a little going away speech that I would do at the beginning and then the night would go to small groups just like normal. So we got there, Kyle and I prayed before, and then he did announcements and then when he was done, he told everyone to go downstairs for a going away party for me. What a surprise! We played fun games, we ate cake, kids thanked me and told stories, then I did my speech thingy, it was all very fun and emotional. I love these kids, for three weeks they planned this thing, and were able to keep it a secret. Kyle couldn’t believe it and now, neither could I. Anyway, this is a terrible blog and I have no passion or desire today. I also seem to have nothing to say, so I will end it here, and perhaps tomorrow I will actually have something that’s of worth to say.
Song of the Day: oh crap, I had one and no I have forgotten. This is brutal, I can’t remember anything. I was talking to Tim last night and we were talking and I would forget something that I said in the previous sentence. I am having some real memory issues, not to be confused with mammory gland issues though. Crap, what was that song? Oh yeah, now I remember. Song of the day is “I’ll be” by Edwin Mccain. It’s a decent song that harkens back to a time before I really knew that nice mellow music had potential to be called good. Anyway if you have the means and or desire and actually want to get something out of this schlock of a blog, download or listen to this song.
“May the Force be With You”
“And Also With You”
“We Lift up our Hearts”
“We lift the up to the Lord”
Yes I will be your jogging partner, even if the J isent soft, but I would like it better if it was.
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