Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Vancouver vs. Vermilion

There was a time in my life (like before I began writing this blog) where I believed that Vermilion and Vancouver only had the following two things in common: That they both started with the letter “V”, and that I lived in both places. Now I know better, because there is indeed a third thing that the town of Vermilion and the City of Vancouver have in common. It is rain. It is raining like a crazy duck here right now! And the sky is black like I have never seen it before! I even heard it was supposed to snow tomorrow, which would make Mike a dull boy, or at least an angry boy.

Have you ever gone somewhere and eaten so much food that it made you feel sick to your stomach, sleepy, and awesome all at the same time? Well that was what I did tonight. The Small Groups Coordinator, Phil, and his wife had Kyle and I over for an awesome Mexican dinner tonight. I haven’t eaten that much since, well I don’t know when, and it was so filling, and so good, I felt like I was going to barf, and fall asleep, and go to heaven all at the same time!

Anyway, sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’m sure some of you were desperate for a peek inside my brain, or at least an update on my blog. My evenings have been very busy for the last few days, and they aren’t going to get any easier, but blogging is a priority for me tonight, so I will blog and then I will go to bed, cause I am still feeling the sleepy after-effects of that dinner. And just in case you were wondering if my evenings were being taken up by some new romantic interest, well wonder no longer! My life continues to be devoid of any inter-gender romantic relationship. It is also devoid of same-gender romantic relationships, which is just great. Anyway, let’s move on shall we? Last Saturday I went to Edmonton with the college and career group and we played some late night laser tag. I swear laser tag places exist in some ridiculous time warp continuum or something, because they say 20 minute games, but it always feels like 5 minutes and then it’s over. Anyway, that was a pretty fun time, although I ate too much pizza, but laser tag was good. I did pretty crappy the first game coming in 21st out of 29 people, but the second game with my new aggressive attitude I managed to come in at a very respectable 2nd place. Then on the way home, very squished in Kyle’s car, Kyle and I broke out into singing some Aerosmith songs. It was pretty funny cause here we are in a car with three other guys singing “I Don’t want to miss a thing” at the top of our lungs, acapella style.

The next day was Sunday, and that means Church, but we didn’t get home till 1am, so I was pretty tired at church/Sunday school. Then I had to get up and do the welcome in the service. It was a last minute appointment, which was fine, but then I was kinda goofy, and made everyone laugh with my easygoing nature. I also made a very funny and unintentional comment about old people, which had the whole congregation in a laughing uproar, so it was all ok. I’m not going to tell you what I said, because it was more of a situational comedy situation, and because everyone who I told about it, didn’t really laugh, and I can’t handle that kind of rejection this late at night. From there I drove to Westlock where I visited with Jon Kramer and Matt Kinniburgh. It was a good time; I did enjoy it, but even more then that, well maybe not more, but at least as much, ok anyway, I went CD Shopping the next day and bought some very high value CD’s at wonderful prices, but more about that later.

I am still reading this newest Donald Miller book, and I have been thinking a lot about this other thing he talks about. The Bible as a relational book rather then a “How To Book” or a “Self Help Book”. He talks about how much more he has gotten out of reading the bible since he started viewing it as a book about relationships, and seeing some deeper aspects to it, rather then just finding out what we can learn from the book of Leviticus and so on. I would like you all to read this book, and especially this section of the book, cause it is pretty interesting. He kinda re-tells the story of Adam and Eve, from a more relational point of view, and it is not totally there, but if you see the relational side of God, you can see this being the case. I don’t know I feel like that statement is on thin ice theologically, but read it and see what I mean.

Sorry I am getting really tired, I need to give you the song of the day and hit the sack otherwise this is going to turn into an even bigger pile of ridiculous blatherings then usual. One of the CD’s I bought was by a group called “The Smiths”. I have heard a lot about them, they are huge influences in the lives of so many of my favorite artists, especially indie-underground bands, they love the Smiths, and now so do I. I had never heard them before I bought the CD, but it was only $6.99, so I thought how could I go wrong, and apparently, I couldn’t. For those of you who want to stay on the safe side of the Smith’s check out the song “How Soon is it Now”, you might even recognize it from movie soundtracks and general 80’s music, though you, like me, probably didn’t know it was by the Smiths. For those of you who are more daring, check out the song “William, It was Really Nothing”, also by The Smiths. That is my favorite song right now on the album; I can’t get it out of my head. Tim Houghton, I really think you will like these guys. So if you have the means of desire, check these songs out. I gotta go to bed, I am so tired. Good Night and I love you!


Blogger T.I.Houghton said...

Mike, I do enjoy the Smiths, and since they are quite close to Elliot Smith in the music section, I have seen them before. But I have never picked any of their stuff up. I think I shall add it to my list of music to buy this summer.

3:16 PM  

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