Monday, January 17, 2005

Fall like Fire...this burning desire

Have you ever had a good weekend? I have; for instance, this last weekend was a good one because I was able to spend it with good friends, here in Vermilion. Tim and Jamie came to visit me, and we spent the weekend hanging out, and enjoying each others company here in the thriving metropolis of Vermilion. I did have a great time, but I wish I would’ve had more time to spend with them, but I guess that’s what happens when you work. After they left, 8 College and Career people from Vermilion headed to Lloydminster for a College and Career Potluck and Worship Night. I was not really feeling like going at first, it had been a busy weekend after all, but I went anyway, I knew it would be good to hang out with some people my age and get to know some new people. So I went, had a greasy dinner, and then had a time of singing worship songs, which was really good. I really enjoyed it, and realized it was something that I needed. Just to be surrounded by people my age, worshipping God, meeting new people, talking about things that matter, or don’t matter, it was awesome, and something I don’t have an opportunity to do very often here in Vermilion.
Actually, speaking of conversations, Tim and I had a couple good conversations this weekend right before we went to bed, this weekend. We talked about Christian writers (in particular those two who are the kingpins behind the “Every Man’s battle” series) and how often many theories are not even considered as a possible truth, simply because it goes against what we have believed for so long. As Tim and I spoke I realized that’s where I was at on some issues, and to try and break down those walls is difficult. In breaking down walls I don’t want to be a relativist. I don’t want to accept what people say as truth simply because they say it, but I want to treat people with the respect that I expect to be treated with and listen to them. You don’t have to agree, but it is nice to listen to people and not berate them for thinking what they think. This is something I am guilty of, my personality and my method of debate after a while begin to be about whoever speaks the loudest must be right, which is not true, or fair to other people who also have a right to their beliefs but can not stand up to my loud and vocal arrogance that often assumes that I am right. I’m trying to make room in my head for other people’s opinions, and getting over myself in that, I am not always right. Case in point: I used to be a huge fan of the band Metallica, now they are my enemies, but regardless, over Christmas break I had an argument with a guy over it, and I just kept getting louder to prove my point, in the end, we figured out that he was right, and I was totally wrong. So not only does it make other people feel like crap, it makes you look like a total idiot if you are wrong. Talk about being humbled! It’s one thing if it would’ve only been the two of us, but it was in front of 3 other guys we were playing poker with. How have I done this in my Christian Faith? How have I intimidated and isolated people through my big mouth, and how many times have I been wrong? Who knows? Thank goodness that God is a God of grace, and is an all powerful God that is refining me into his image and can still use a bone-head like me.
Anyway, back to work tomorrow, life is getting busy with several big, important events up-coming, but I’m looking forward to it.
Today’s song of the day is brought to us from a Canadian Band called Starfield. This Winnipeg band has a song called “Alive in this moment” and it’s from their debut release “Tumbling After”. It’s a really passionate song talking about being made alive by Christ; every time I hear it I remember how much I love Starfield. The vocals are great, the music is great, the lyrics are great, it’s a song that I love singing along to. Anyway, if you have the desire and or the means, check it out.
Peace and Goodwill to all men


Blogger Joel said...

Props on the Starfield pick. Major good call.


10:11 PM  

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