Sunday, January 09, 2005

All the pictures have been washed in Black

I have re-discovered something great. Last night I had a desire to listen to a local Vancouver radio station known as “The Fox”, and thanks to wonderful world of streaming audio I am able to do this, and am even currently doing this right now. (although they are playing a really crappy song right now, I’m hoping for a good one next)

First order of business is to reply to a comment on my last update. On my last blog update I chose a song by U2 as my song of the day. Someone replied to this update and went on to criticize my choice of song of the day. I felt repugnant, and repudiated, and Rastafarian. The song of the day is not about whether a song is currently popular or mainstream or underground or anything like that, it’s about music, good music, music that impacts me in that day, and I could care less whether or not it’s popular at the time. So with that, I will not comment further.

This morning was good. It was my first time back in church after a lengthy absence, so it was nice to reconnect with many of the people in my church family. I can’t say enough good things about Vermilion and the people in the church here, I don’t think I have ever felt as welcomed in a church as I do in this one, God is working mightily in my life through his children in Vermilion. I did a skit today that was like a rip-off of “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy” (of Saturday night live fame) and “The Confused Philosopher” (of Royal Canadian Air Farce Fame). It went over well, and it might continue as a running theme throughout this new sermon series we started. The series is about wisdom through the book of Proverbs and how we can apply it to our everyday lives. It’s really practical. Today Shawn preached about the difference between whether something is good or bad to do, and the question we should actually ask…”given my personal situation, my past, my present, and my hopes and dreams for the future is this the wise thing to do?”. I have been hearing a lot about this of late as Kyle (the other pastor) and I have often acted as a sounding board for Shawn as he crafted (props to Crafted) this sermon.

Following Church I had lunch with some friends, some teens from the youth group. It was a good time, we got subway and just chatted and ate. Hanging out with teenagers is such an experience in sociology. Just the things they talk about, the things that make them laugh, and so on. Later on I’m hoping to go play some hockey with these guys on a local outdoor rink, but it is -30 here right now, and they are thinking of chickening out. Other then that, not too much else is going on, although, last night I believe a plan was formulated to bring two-possibly three friends from Calgary up here to Vermilion next weekend, which really excites me. Hopefully this dream will come to pass.

Today’s song of the Day is a classic track from the band Kansas. No it is not “Carry On”, it is in fact “Dust in the Wind”. Dust in the Wind serves to remind us that life on earth is not permanent. Where I disagree with Kansas is that they paint a picture of life being over when we die, but as a follower of Christ, life is so much more then a futile existence ended by becoming “dust in the wind”. Although I have that slight disagreement with the song, I still love it. It’s musically beautiful and the assortment of strings, cello’s and the like are heart-warming. So much so, that I shared it with my Sunday school class this morning. It’s a great song, and if you have the means and desire, I think you should check it out. Anyway, that is all for today, my plans for hockey are coming to fruition as we speak so I must put on my long-johns. Peace and Love…(oh man “Black” by Pearl Jam just came on! This song used to be the story of my life!!)


Blogger Shle said...

First of all, Mike, I noticed that you randomly mentioned Rastafarian in your entry, im impressed, even if it wasnt directed for me to see, adn second of all, yesterday you talked about Quiznos, Today you talked about Subway, and neither time did you mention ME! The worlds BEST sandwich artist! Im hurt, and i hope that you will not make that mistake the next time you write about subway, or my rival company, Quiznos..
Love you lots!
Love Ash

9:07 PM  

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