Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"Son, you're half a bubble off of plumb"

Let's dispense with the pleasentries.

I've decided as a whole, i don't enjoy my current occupation. It's not the people, it's not the pay (well that could use improvement), it's not any of the regular things that people don't like thier job for, i don't enjoy my current occupation because it's so monotonous. I said to someone yesterday, that i may as well be working on an assembly line in a factory for all of the variety that i get at Christian Publications. Also, because of the monotonous nature of my occupation i find ver little intellectual, and or cultural, and or social stimulation, and this, my days go as such. Wake up, clean, go to work, come home, hang out with Cara for a couple of hours (generally doing wedding stuff, or adult stuff like paying bills, buying groceries etc), go to bed. With the little leisure time i have, i try to read (right now i'm reading "the problem of pain" by C. S. Lewis) or sometimes i play video games, last night i actually forced myself to watch a movie. Overall, i am not enjoying my current occupation, but i will stay there, at least through the summer, and come Fall, we'll see where we stand. Ps. Don't tell my boss how unsatisfied i am, if they knew they might just let me go, and i don't really need that to happen at this point.

Today, though is a day off, and i plan to spend it thus, lunch with the associate professor of theology at Canadian Bible College, followed by the viewing of the film "X-Men 3" with my good friend and fellow blogger Troy Dunham. Thats right, we're going to take in a matinee, and yes i have been told to wait until after the credits for some secret thing after X-Men is over.

So, i never actually told you. Cara and I bought a car. A 2002 Pontiac Grand Am. It's pretty sweet, we bought it like three weeks ago, but before the long weekend, and then on the long weekend, Cara and I drove to Vancouver, and suprised the majority of my family with a short but sweet visit.

Then most recently, Cara and I went back to Vermilion for Cara's college grad, and also some pre-marital councelling, and that kind of jazz. We saw family, friends, and generally had a remarkably awesome weekend.

Now, we're back in Calgary, back at work, and maybe if you are lucky, i'll be back at blogging, but the truth is, because of the monotony of my life, particularly my occupation, i find i never have anything worthwhile to say to you. Not like the Kramers who are fixing up a house, or Troy, who is also experiance quite a bit of life change, or Kyle, prior to his oridination process. I have no time for me and my thoughts to process, which means more then likely that strange dreams are going to start up again.

For instance, i dreamt last night that I was in a grand theft auto type scenario, and what was coming at me but a trolly train, and i thought to myself, how cool is that to steal, so i jumped in, threw the conductor off the side, and who do i run into but my old roomate Kier, who was going to offer me some lessons on driving these things, but i decline his offer, so we are driving pretty wildly and dangerously, and then there is a vertical drop at the end of one of the lines, so i steer it in that direction and Kier and I jump off, only to go to Red Robin's to eat food, and by this time, some girl i didn't recognize was with us. Then I started playing with a replica toy train of the one i just crashed, except it could only go in circles, despite the large surrounding track.

Anyway, that's about all i got for today, if you think of a way to inspire me, send it my way, although, the Bob Dylan I'm listening to right now is soothing my soul and giving my soul, heart, mind, earth, wind, and fire some inspiration. So go home and listen to your Bob Dylan records, it will do you a world of good, particularly the album, Nashville Skyline.

ps, i'll post some pictures of my car as soon as i get a chance to take a picture or two. The cars name is "Norman the Mormon"


Blogger Keller said...


12:56 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

sorry to hear about the monotony.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you with the Job thing... I am really ready for school to start son...

3:35 PM  

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