Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Providence, Rhode Island

1. a) Having the nature of or being a deity.
b) Of, relating to, emanating from, or being the expression of a deity: sought divine guidance through meditation.
c) Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred.

1. Care or preparation in advance; foresight.

Now you may be wondering what divinity (no not Di Vinci) and providence has to do with me and Jon Kramer sitting on my old couch, but let me tell you. So, last weekend was grad weekend at my educational institution. Had i been a creature of intelligance and forsight, i would've graduated that weekend with all my friends who i started my education with. But i didn't, and the pain inflicted by this was taking it's toll. As well, it looked as though i would not be able to see and visit with my good friend Jon Kramer and his wife Kim, who i don't have a picture of. I was quite down. Saturday morning i decided to treat myself to a warm and hearty breakfast courtesy of the Denny's franchise of resturaunts. It was a real ordeal to find a parking spot, but then i did, and a real dandy too, right near the door, but not close enough that i would be able to read anything on the door, had thier been any pertinant information on the door, but still close. I left the confines of my vehicle, and walked briskly to the door, only to find that there actually was pertinant information on the door, and the information was: "debit- credit card machine broken, cash only". Now being a man who rarely carries cash, this proposed a problem and a frustration for me as i had by then been dreaming of a "Moons over my Hammy" for hours. So, i got in my car, and tried to decide where to go. Ricky's or Smitty's? I chose Smitty's because it was closer, and i had brought my Brian McLaren book because i was alone. As i walked into Smitty's i was noticed by some of thier patrons as a friend. Sitting at a giant table was not only the Kramer family, but the Blodgets too! What a party! So i went and had breakfast with them, which was always one of Jon and I's favorite thing to do, especially when "Ellen" was on, and in the end, Blodgey's mom ended up paying for me, now if that wasn't divine providence by God to have Denny's not work out for me, then i don't know what is. Also, Adam Ayer took that awful couch that i didn't want anymore. Good for me, and oh well for him.


Blogger Shaolin said...

Who am I kidding Jon, i really would never actually order the "Moons over my Hammie" - i eat too much to order a little meal like that, sometimes Cara gets it, the only reason i would ever order that is because i like the name, which is never a good reason to order something. Also, the thing i ordered at Smitty's wasn't even that good, but i didn't want to say anything, cause Blodgy's mom ended up paying, and i would've felt bad if she thought i wasn't grateful....anyway, i was happy with the experiance overall.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Keller said...

Interesting... i've never had Moon Over My Hammy... and I've also never seen the Moon Over Miami... Although I was in close proximity to Miami once... and at night. So technically, it was the same moon, and the same time zone as Miami.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats awesome Mike... it's weird how things like that work out... by the I miss the good chats

4:56 PM  

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