Friday, May 12, 2006

A Christian Publications Publication

This will be my first blog from work...and when i say from work, i mean written on the back of a March best sellers music poster during my long and nearly pointless hifts in the music department and then typed up when i get home or tomorrow, but probably tonight. Currently, I am serving a 1-2pm shift and surveying audibly the latest offering from a band called "The Elms". It's alright, I probably would've liked it a bit more when i was in grade 11. The trick of this will be hiding my "so called blog" during the times when i am not working bakc here. Considering 5 of my 8.5 hours will be spent back here, I am confident that no one will find my little treasure.

Yesteday when i worked back here, I spent about 45 minutes reading a small book by Ravi Zacharias called "The Lamb and the Furor". It is what it sounds like, a conversation between Hitler and Jesus. It was very interesting, I might buy it some day, it's only $9.99 after all. One time Ravi came and spoke to my school in Regina for something like Spiritual Emphasis Days. I remember thinking he was pretty good, but i definitly didn't go to all of the chapels he spoke at. I regret that now, but not as much as i regret missing Brian McLaren, who apperantly spoke at my school as well, but i didn't hear about it until a year after so, i doubt the validity of such accounts. Anyway, I'm going to petition the school to bring him in again next year, so i can see a Brian McLaren lecture/sermon before I die. Not that I think I am going to die anytime soon, but you can't take chances with crap like that.

Things to Do Before I die:
1. See u2 live in concert
2. Listen to Brian McLaren live (possibly dialogue after....over nachos and Nintendo perhaps?)
3. Read "Paradise Lost"
4. Travel Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy
5. Read "Life Together"

I'll let you know how that goes. And if any of you feel so inclined as to help me accomplish these goals, by all means do so.

That "Elms" cd ended and now the greatest hits cd for Further Seems Forever has come on. That Elms Cd was pretty decent, I still don't think i would buy it though. I think I am gonna take a blog break, my shift is almost over, and my hand is starting to cramp so, I'll see you guys again at 4pm. Thats 2.15 hours from now

Guess Who's back? Back Again. Schalins Back. Tell a Friend. Sorry about that Eminem referance, especially since i am now listening to the skillfull tunage of Derek Webb. I'm only back for half an hour before I go for my lunch break, and when i say lunch, i mean supper. Not much has happened sine I left you, I worked at the till, I worked the floor, I spoke to co-workers and customers, and now I'm back. I just realized that when I'm at work here, I think a lot (almost exclusivly) about the very think I am trying to sell, books, music, cute Christian plaques etc. It's good for work, but not for blogging. I'm sure you are all bored to tears hearing about what i am reading and listening to these days, but to be honest that is taking up a great deal of my life right now, which for me (who likes books and music) isn't a bad thing. I guess another think I could talk about is getting a new Car. In case you didn't know, Cara sold her car, leaving us with my big ol tank. Unfortunatly my car is not as reliable as it once was, so we recently became infatuated with an automobile known as an Impala. We're just trying to figure out if we can afford it, or even if we can offord not to. We'll keep you posted on that one. Hand is cramping again. I'll rest until 6, when i come back for the remainder of the night. Hopefully something amazing will happen between now and then, otherwise you may be pooched.

Derek and I are back. Nothing amazing happened. I had supper, 2 sandwhiches and some BBQ chips. While eating, I engaged in discussion with a co-worker and former classmate. This discussion ended up on the school and, some of the ridiculous thinkgs that have gone on there during our years. My blood pressure got high, I was all riled up, I wanted to join the grad committee and make sure some of the ridiculous things that happened at grad this year would not be repeated. Then i realized that would go against my "no participation" decree for school next year. I guess, I'm still bitter about the whole president thing. Instead of trying to save the school from going to Hell in a handbasket, I thought i would save myself the aggrivation and just go to my classes and ignore everything else. Maybe it's a selfish attitude, but it's how i feel, trying to serve and lead has left me feeling old, useless and un-wanted. Well, i should say, thats how the school has made me feel. Will this change? Will I go to floor meetins? mentor a younger student? be mentored? Go to soccer matches? Probably, but thats cause when you truly love something or someone, you can't stay mad at it forever. And when you see it hurting itself and being stupid, it hurts you more because you feel helpless to change things, and you get the sense that the one you love don't want your help anyway.

That must be how God feels.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to have experienced this day with you Mike... not in any creepy stalker way of course though...

3:25 PM  
Blogger Keller said...

Sounds cool Mike.

12:28 AM  
Blogger Shle said...

you know that I can't resist mocking you, right?

Cause.. incase you didn't remember.. I've seen U2 live in concert..


Love you brother dear ;)

11:37 PM  

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