Sorry I haven't blogged, i've discovered there are good and bad weeks for blogging, and the last week has been a bad one for blogging. My life has been out of control, and i have many things to share, but that will have to wait until i can organize the proper documentation.
In the meantime (props to spacehog) i will share with you another blog written whilst at work, this one is a review, similar to what Kyle Keller used to do, this one is of an album, what was supposed to be the biggest release in Christian Music for the year, but so far sales are lame, at least in our store. Anyway, here it is, my professional opinion of Starfield's third record, some might say second, but i know it is thier third "Beauty in the Broken". (this review was written on may 13th, the actual release date of the album.
I have decided to rename the band Starfield as Starsuck. Wow, could i reveal to you my thoughts on this record quicker or what? This record sounds the way the cover looks.....airbrushed. What do I mean by that, well, first there are no standout songs. On thier original Winnepeg release, Tumbling after, there were no less then four songs that changed my life and my opinion on christian music. For thier second record ( a rerelease of thier original record with a couple new songs and a new producer) they moved to Nashville, the hub of christian music. This latest release is thier first full album without the help and influence of thier Winnepeg roots and it shows. Starfield went to Nashville, and got contemporized and airbrushed. They no longer sound any differant then every other Christian Contemporary band. It's like they believed thier own hype that they were the next big thing, and then put forth a very mediocre record and tried to cover it up, thus the airbrushed description. I really do regret having to say these things about Starfield because the turth is, their original record really was something special. But in the end, this album was airbrushed, they took some crap, airbrushed it to look better, but as we say in france "the shit shines through". (Sorry for the profanity, but it just didn't sound right to say poop shines through)
If you enjoy this record, feel free to disagree with me. I just feel Starfield was once orignal and powerful musically, and now have allowed themselves to be overproduced, packaged, and photoshopped and it doesn't work well with thier music and credibility, and apperantly, it doesn't work well with thier sales, at least in Calgary.
Peace for now, big news coming for some, for others it's old news. But stay tuned.
Well that sadens me... I have not yet heard the record my self either... but I did enjoy there first as my self I founf it original. I will listen to it my self and I will probably buy it but, from your comments mike it might souly be because my fried Gordie is the drummer... I hope thats a good reason...
Love ya man
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