Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WWJMD? (What Would Jon Morrison Do?)

So last night i had an interesting experiance.
All Day, I hung out with Cara, no that's not the interesting experiance to which i refer, this experiance came as i made my way home. Cara dropped me off at the Brentwood C-Train station here in Calgary, and i made my way up the long flight of stairs, only to see the train coming toward the station at a rapid pace. Despite the fact that my bladder was full beyond recognition i set out at a solid canter in order to make this train and not have to wait 15 minutes in the blinding cold. By the grace of God, I was able not only to make the train, but i was also able to not wet myself doing so. So, i hobbled onto the train, the first door on the front car, and upon entering, i was dismayed to notice someone lying on the ground, motionless, and reeking of mouthwash. I stepped over this man, went down the car, and sat down, as i myself was out of breath and was in no mood to deal with this inconvienance. I put my headphones on, and watched as the passengers around me all discussed the man who was lying on the floor no more then 15 feet away. The thing you have to understand about the c-train at this time of year is that the floor of it is absolutly soaked. It's like a lake of wetness from the melting snow and slush of the many passengers who ride the train all day, and this man was lying smack dab in it. Back to me. I sat, and kept looking at him, trying to ignore the thoughts that were invading my heart. "What would Jesus do?" (cliche i know), "What would Jesus say to this man?" "Why aren't you helping this man?", "Go and talk to him", "Be Christ to this man", "Just ask him if he needs your help", "What would Jesus do?".
Seriously, there was a battle in my heart, and my mind, a battle of the spirit versus my fear and pride. I took out my headphones, put them away, and walked down toward the place where the man was passed out. I waited a minute when i got down there, because there were so many people around, and i didn't know why, but i wanted less people to be around. I walked over, poked the man in the arm and asked him if he was alright. There was no movement, and no responce, i lingered for a moment, waiting, but there was nothing, so i left him. I went back to where i was standing, and a couple people asked me if he was alright, if he said anything, and i said no. I got the feeling that there were a few people who wanted to check the man, maybe talk to him, but didn't have the courage. I guess i was expecting something huge, like i would look at him, all Jesus like and tell him to go and sin no more, and he would be fine, and he would become a christian, and so on, and i wasn't expecting this because i wanted to be glorified, but because i felt that i was following the leading of the Spirit and i figured if the Spirit was leading me to do something so out of my comfort zone, that something big would happen, but it didn't. My stop came up, and i hopped off the train, walked home and thought. Thought about how i was happy that i was actually able to obey the Spirit, and even though, there didn't seem to be much of a result, the fact that i actually went and did it was an encouragement to me, and left me feeling good about hearing God and obeying him. The other thing i thought about was my fear to do this publicly and how ridiculous that must've seemed to Christ, who never waited to be alone with the lepers and the demon possesed, and the crippled, and the drunks, and the social outcasts. He didn't wait for what i would call an ideal situation, he took people as they were, and loved them, healed them, spoke truth and grace into thier lives and didn't wait until he could get them alone, because ministry doesn't happen on your own, or more specifically my own terms.
I guess that's about it. I have no profound summing up for you, it was an interesting experiance for me, because where i would usually feel contempt for people in this situation and frustrated at the lack of social programs that seemed to deal with these people and keep them out of my face, i was filled with compassion, which i believe was from God and God alone, cause i usually don't care about people like that.

Song of the day is "The Sound of Settling" by Death Cab for Cutie. It was in my head earlier and i was singing part of it out loud. You know the part that goes "Ba Baa, this is the sound of settling, Ba Baa, Ba Baa". Check it out.

ps. Howie Mandel is on TV, he is dumb, he shouldn't be on TV.
pps. i know i used Jon Morrison's name in my blog title, and that he had nothing to do with this blog, but i just couldn't bring myself to title the blog "WWJD?" so "WWJMD?" was the next best thing, plus i saw him today, and he still has this bed i loaned to him two years ago, so it seemed appropriatly innapropriate.


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