Saturday, May 07, 2005

What do a Moth, and Itchy Neck and Naked Preaching have in Common?

Hey Kids, What's happening?

No i didn't just get home from work, thought it wasn't too long ago that i did. Today i worked from 7:30 am to 8pm, thus completing my first week in the agriculture industry. All in all, i would say it was pretty sucessful. Working within the time frame of the six or so weeks has given me much to look forward to. It has given me goals, and it has given me focus. For instance: with each passing week (one down) i get closer and closer (by the way don't ever watch the movie "Closer" especially with Mel and or Jani) to returning to my semi-native soil of Calgary Alberta. Also, whenever i am lifting heavy stuff at work, and i am not using a fork-lift, i think of it as working out. Like everytime i don't want to pick up another box, i just think about how buff i am going to be when i am done this job, and how all the girls will love me and so on and so forth. Anyway, thats my lift.

Speaking of life, i feel like i should tell you, there is a moth on the computer screen. I just haven't have the energy or the heartlessness to shoo it away yet. It's not in my way anymore anyway, it's just kinda sitting there, being a moth, and i can respect that. I mean, how would i feel if all of the sudden, God decided to flick me to death, the way i do with most moths and or creepy crawling/fluttering things that enter my personal space....

So i did have a bit of a mishap at work the other day. I was loading a palette on to some dude's truck, and i couldn't really see, and i went to far, and i put a nice dent and scratch on the back of his truck. He wasn't too impressed. I felt pretty bad, like i should throw myself through a window or something. Those kind of things can just ruin your day sometimes, i know it did mine. Not cause i care about the truck all that much, but i am trying to do my best and not screw up so i can show my appreciation that way to Mr. Webb, who is the guy that gave me the job in the first place. Anyway, i noticed that out here in Vermilion, when people say the word "Dent" they pronounce it "Dint", and i found it really weird, but when i was describing the situation later, i said "Dint", just so they would understand me. I felt weird calling it a "Dint" since i knew in my heart of hearts that what it actually was, was a "Dent".

Ok, i am starting to fall asleep and go blind and my fingers aren't working quite as nimbly as they used to. Speaking of blindness, i was outside the youth centre tonight and one of the kids was eating a candy necklace and he was trying to break the candy, so he was pulling back on it, and it broke and flung itself only to hit me painfully just beneath the eye. It was a bad show, i felt like i had some serious nerve damage done to my eye and general visual stimulas areas.

So i'm reading the last book in Brian McLaren's "New Kind of Christian Trilogy". It's called "The last word and the word after that. It's really something else. For once in his life, McLaren is actually hurting my brain and causeing me serious discomfort and frustration through his writing. I appreciate it, and i hope on day i can return the favor.

I'm going to bed, but i get tomorrow off, so i hope to write again, maybe about something other then work and sleeping and songs of day. Speaking of the song of the day.....someone told me that i reminded them of Hyde from "That 70's Show" today. I don't know how i feel about that, Hyde is sort of a jerk, and in real life, he is a scientologist, and i am definitly not. Now, i know that many of my longtime and faithful readers will be shocked by the genre of the song of the day, but keep an open mind folks. Today's song has been in my head all week, which must mean something but i don't know what. The song is "You'll think of Me" by Keith Urban. It's a song about a break-up and it's on a mix CD Matt Kinniburgh made for me, so woo hoo. Check it out, it's pretty good and catchy for a country song, if that is, you have the means and or the desire. Anyway, time for a glass of water and a bed time. Peace.

ps. the other day, i had a weird dream where i pastor i know was preaching in church and he was naked, and it was very bizarre and weird. Then some women thought it was a good idea and so she started to engage in the same attire as this pastor, and when she did, all the elders and serious people walked out, and quit the church. If you want to know who the pastor is, you will have to ask me in Private (props to being a Private Dancer, and double Props for being a Tiny Dancer - "look at me i'm dancing tinily") cause his reputation might be scared through this naked preaching dream

My neck is really itchy.


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