Wednesday, May 11, 2005

How often can you feel like Forrest Gump and get and email from Pete Yorn in the same day?

You'll never guess who i got an email from today! Pete Yorn! That's right, my old friend Pete sent me an email to tell me about the new album he is working on (due for release Fall 2005). It was good to hear from my friend Pete, because i felt like i hadn't heard from him in a very long time. (For those of you who are confused and find this irrelevant, Pete Yorn is a musician that i admire, and i am on his fan mailing list, so i got an email, yet it my inbox it showed up as being from Pete Yorn....anyways)...anyways....

You'll never guess what happens to a person when they work for more the 10 hours a day! Thier feet smell bad! That's right, i have found in days where i work more then 10 hours, my feet smell really awful. Sorry to tell you that, but, i needed something to say. Work is going good, i was exhausted today, because i had to stay up last night till nearly midnight doing laundry so that i wouldn't have to go to work in no clothes today. Also i didn't get home till nearly 10pm last night too. It has gotten busy, though, today was not so much. Tomorrow will be very busy, we are getting a huge shipment of agriculture chemical products and seed products as well. I will have to recieve them and store them. Woo-Hoo. Also i think i will be making a couple of deliveries tomorrow, which is actually kind of fun, cause it gets me out of the yard for a bit. You should see how tanned i have gotten (and when i say tanned i mean the three areas of exposed skin i have. Two forearms and a face). Working outside has been great. In fact, yesterday and today, as i was driving my forklift, i was reminded of Forrest Gump. You know the scene where Forrest is running his lawn tractor, dreaming of Jenny, and then she actually shows up. I was driving my forklift, and for some reason, i just felt like Forrest. I think everyone should feel like Forrest every once in a while. What a great film, if you haven't seen the film "Forrest Gump", you need to, and if you have seen if, but not for a while, you need to watch it again. Amazing, Amazing film.

There is not too much else new with me, truth is, i work, i eat, i sleep, and sometimes, in between eating and sleeping i write emails/blog updates, such as i am doing now. Though tonight, i had to chose, whether to write another email, or to write in my blog. I figured i hadn't written in the ol' blog for a while, so here i am.

I was reading my bible this morning, and i noticed something. Jesus was teaching his disciples and he was telling them how they had to take up thier cross and follow him. For some reason, and possibly to no consequence, i noticed that Jesus was referring to the cross, long before it ever became significant (ie: long before he ever died on one). I don't know i never noticed it before, even though Jesus in the passage before is prediciting his death and telling his disciples about it, the passage doesn't mention being crucified. Then he uses the cross to illustrate his point. I don't know what it means, i just like finding things that i never noticed before.

The guy whose house i live in, Herb, is watching boxing in the next room. Muhammed Ali is boxing some guy, and apperantly kicking some guys butt, but just can't seem to put him away, and Ali, just took a huge punch......good old boxing....

Song of the day, you know what i noticed. I don't get to listen to much music anymore. In fact, only when i am driving, and it's so interesting how the mind works. Even though i don't listen to music throughout the day, there is seldom a second where there is not a song playing in my head. It's like i have this huge archive of songs in my mind, and my brain is acting as a radio to play those songs to keep my happy during the day. I wish i could think of one of the many songs that were on my mind today, but i can't. Ok here's one, though i did actually hear it today, "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John. The afternoon was tough for me today, i didn't have a great one. Then i took a break at seven thirty to try and eat a sandwhich and drink a pop. Now, i do these types of things in my automobile, so i can kind of hide out and listen to some music. I was feeling kinda down, and then on came "Tiny Dancer" and it lifted my spirits immensly and instantaniously. I know it's a pretty mainstream Elton song, but that's because it is so darn good! It's an amazing song, and it carries with it the ability to make me feel good, when i feel like crapola. Speaking of crapola, i need to go to sleep before i die, and two, if you have the means or the desire, check this song out, you will not be disappointed. If you are, i don't want to hear about it, because you are probably not disappointed with the song, but you might just tell me you are to spite me. Speaking of spite, i like Sprite.

Peace for now, my peeps.

ps. In all my haste to write in my blog i forgot to mention that my friend Pete Yorn could possibly actually be Gay. Not that i would like him any less, or any hate filled prejudice like that, i just thought i would mention it. The reason i think this is because of a song of Pete's called "Closet", you can listen to it and make your own desicision, or if you have any other comments or questions on the subject you can ask Tim Houghton. I won't give you his email, but i will tell you his blog address.....


Blogger T.I.Houghton said...

Thank you for the advertising for my blog, also Pete Yorn in not Gay. Though you may think so from songs such as "Closet" and "Man in Uniform" and "RocketMan", Pete is as straight as they come. And by Straight I mean Heterosexual, not to be confused with Homosexual, cause Homo means the same, and Pete does not love the same, he love different aka Hetero. Anyways I am tired and Pete Yorn is not Gay.

2:44 AM  

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