Church, Christ, Cold and Clumsy
I’m having a pretty good Friday…how about you? Obviously this morning I went to church, and did the Good Friday thing, actually it was interesting, we did our skit this morning and it went well, but the Shawn was preaching and I was struck by a thought. It was 13 years ago today that I first decided to follow Christ. Weird huh? I’m not one of those people who celebrates their entrance in to the family of God every year like it’s a birthday, I just go on trying to stay in the family, but it was interesting today, I felt like God was reminding me of that particular time in my life and how far he was led me since then. It was a good moment, I shared that with a friend who was sitting with me, I don’t know it was cool. And then one of the girls from our Youth Group spilled her Communion Juice all over her pants, and I nearly burst out laughing in the middle of the communion prayer. Whoa, that was close.
Also in a reminiscing mode, I am listening to Our Lady Peace. I haven’t listened to Our Lady Peace in a very long time, but I am really enjoying this. I feel like its 1997 or something. I’m also alone. The family that I live with took off for the weekend, so it’s strange to be here, totally alone with my thoughts and so on, well maybe not, but knowing that I have the run of the house (which isn’t much) is just weird right now. Everything is weird right now, well, not everything, it’s not weird how cold it is in this house, the family seems to keep the basement (where I live) nice and cold all the time, seriously I going to catch pneumonia if I live here much longer, luckily for me, I am not living here much longer. Don’t get me wrong, the people are nice, but it’s just not an ideal situation for me, but then again, neither is living in rez, but who knows what could happen right Roussell?
Well, how have I spent the rest of my day since Church? Well, I went to Subway, had a BMT, it was decent, then I stopped by good ol’ VHQ in an effort to rent and view the film “Finding Neverland.” Alas, it was not in, so I settled for “I Heart Huckabees.” It was a good film, reminded me of “The Royal Tenenbaums” in some ways, mostly in the way that it’s one of those films that I enjoy that I couldn’t watch with Mel and Jani. Well, maybe other people to, the film starts with a string of cursive language that would cause Satan himself to blush. Also there is one awkward sex scene, you don’t see any body parts, but it wouldn’t go over well with the CBC crowd. Good thing I don’t use them as my measure for a quality film then isn’t it? So I wrapped myself in a blanket and viewed this film down in my cold basement and had a decent time.
From here, I plan to put a sweater on, and prepare to go over to the home of a family from my Church who wants to feed me. I am stoked, these people have never fed me before and I feel like it’s gonna turn out really well. If not, I can just force myself to throw up later…..whoa, what am I saying? I think the cold has affected my sensitivity metre, or is it meter? Who even knows at this point? I feel like its Sunday, but it’s actually Friday! This is throwing me off so much!
So back in the day, when I loved Our Lady Peace, and “Clumsy” to me was the best album of all time, my favorite song was the currently being listened to “4am”. Lot’s of people liked this song after it was a single and became popular, but it was my favorite song from day one. I like to think that I was ahead of the game on this song. It’s a really great song by the way. If you haven’t heard it, you might like it. There are references to God in it, they must be Christian right? That reminds of me of a song where Raine Maida, the lead singer of OLP equates the Bible with the writings of Bob Dylan. I often get the impression that Raine is rather anti-Christian. Much like Sarah McLachlan, maybe it’s a Canadian Music thing, come to think of it, I think Matthew Good is too, but it doesn’t come across in his music as much, he’s just a blatant socialist that’s all. Anyway, despite OLP’s feelings on Christianity, the did put together a great song in “4am” so if you have the means and or the desire I recommend that you listen to this song, I do, and it doesn’t do me too much harm!
I’m not really sure if I need to say anything else, I might not be able to post this right away, the internet is being a bugger lately. Happy Birthday to Landon Mashon, and well there is another birthday coming up soon of one of my friends, but it’s not quite yet, and I don’t know where she will be on that day, so who knows? Not me!
I was just re-reading the lyrics to the song “Clumsy.” It’s kinda messed up, have you ever thought about them? Check them out; “4am” on the other hand seems to be about reconciliation, which is good.
This has been a great example of discord and discontinuity of thought; I am really flopping all over the place today. See you later friends.
Ps. Well, I was going to post this much earlier, but then the stupid internet wasn’t working, and to be honest, I am not sure if it is working to a good degree even know which would make me violently angry if it is not. Anyway, went, had dinner, played some pool with their son Tyson, then we played Amped Snowboarding and he kicked my ass, but then he came over and played Wrestling with me, and I kicked his ass. It was a very fun night, just hanging out with a teen one on one without having an ulterior motive, which seems to be the hallmark of youth ministry, which isn’t bad, but it’s also good to just spend some relaxed time with a youth and get to know them outside of the realm of “you are a youth, and I am a youth pastor trying to counsel you in a wise way”. Anyway, all in all, it was a very Good Friday…God be praised.
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