Monday, December 18, 2006

Free at Last (almost)

What a day. and it's not over yet. I sit before a computer screen at AUC-NUC for what very possibly could be the last time. Or at least the last time for a very long time, as in 40 minutes i will begin writing my final final exam, and will be finished my schooling here. It is a very exciting feeling. From whence i will go to work tomorrow, and every night this week will pack another piece/part of my house up in anticipation of my move to Vermilion this Saturday. One good thing about being finished here at AUC-NUC-CBC-CTS, or whatever, i realized as i rode the elevator up to the sixth floor was that i no longer had to live in constant paranoid fear that i was actually going to die riding that elevator some day. Although i am starting to think my paranoid fear is actually pertaining to all elevators (except grain elevators, and trees that look like grain elevators in the distance). I have an impending feeling of doom almost everytime i ride an elevator. I think it dates back to the shoddy elevator at the school rez, and also the one at Pentland apartment buildings, and then the one here at the school building started acting weird this year, and by weird i mean, the doors close and you expect to begin your upward ascent, but you don't, and you just sit there. Or it will be a rocky ride sometimes, and you (I) feel like you (I) am going to die. So, thus ends another a chapter of my life. No Props to the 19th chapter of my life, which ended quicker then it began, remember that Kyle? I'm sure Troy does, and probably Tim too, since Tim wrote the preface for Chapter 19. Anyone feel like writing a preface for the next chapter I am about to begin. The one where i move to Vermilion and start my job as the youth pastor (associate pastor in charge of youth). I said some goodbyes today, Matt Russell, Bernie Van De Walle, Bill McAlpine, it was a touch emotional. And then I was standing on the sidewalk talking to Matt Russell, and some person drove onto the sidewalk to try and go down an alley, only to find the ally full of Cars going the opposite direction. I called this person a meat-head. Then another car pulled up (almost hit us) and looked like they were trying to cut off the other car in an attempt to go down the same alley. (which spelling is the right one?) Anyway, i proceeded to call this person a meat-head and said, "holy crap this meat-head is going to hit us". And then a man behind me (who happens apperantly to be a new prof this year at AUC) said, no she isn't thats my wife. Then she got out of the car, and he got in, and I walked away feeling very very very awkward. Time to tame the tongue I guess. Speaking of taming the tongue, this keyboard i'm typing on sucks. The space bar isn't working very well, and so often i have been forced to go back and fix errors caused by this infernal machine. I had a great weekend, eating, watching movies, hanging out with, partying with, having sleep-overs with any numbers of good friends this weekend. Tim and I had the sleepover. It was sweet. Kind of a last hurrah, another end of an era, not an end of a friendship, just the end of a close proximity friendship. I have been losing those all over the place, it sucks, but i guess that's growing up right? Speaking of growing up, i made what i thought would be an awesome mix cd today to celebrate my impending release from this blasted institution, but it hasn't turned out as well as i had hoped. I tried to get all really long songs, like 10 minutes long each at least, but it hasn't worked out, cause two were live, and have a huge gap of talking or silence before an encore that i totally forgot about, so i will have adjust this mix tonight when i go home, otherwise, it will be a lost cause, and i don't like lost causes. Though some might call the Canucks a lost cause, and if thats true, then the only lost cause i like is the canucks. Speaking of the Canucks, i'm keeping a long standing tradition alive here today. Every final exam since grade nine i have been wearing a NHL hockey jersey, and today was no differant. Though, i was in such a rush this morning i forgot my lunch/supper. Anyway, if you think about it, that's almost a decade of final exams. Crazy huh? Anyway, this blog is pointless, but i just wanted to reassure you i am still alive, and still kicking, and still whatever. But i'm moving soon, and so you might not hear from me for a while. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Blogger Shaolin said...

Dear John,
(this sounds like i'm breaking up with you...but i'm not). I'm glad that you are glad that my time at AUCNUCCBCCTS or whatever it is, has come to an end also. I agree that it may give us more opportunities to continue our friendship, and i look forward to those times perhaps even as soon as (January 1 and or 2nd). I still haven't even been to your new home!

Good insight on the whole meathead thing...i don't think that i have the spiritual gift of prophesy, but i can take the network spiritual gifts inventory test again to check if maybe i do now.

Speaking of needing Eachothe, i wished our other former roomate a happy haunneka yesterday. We do need Eachothe

4:21 PM  
Blogger Troy said...

I do indeed remember the 19th chapter, but we'll leave that one untouched from now on.
But you mustn't forget about the new chapter and that meaning you're closer to me! You'll have to let me know when you're back from Vancouver area, and I can maybe swing by Vermizzle before the routine begins to set in too much again.
Plus I just wanted to point out that with the letters that I had to "verify" this comment, I can spell "Ya Sexx"

5:28 PM  
Blogger Troy said...

I do indeed remember the 19th chapter, but we'll leave that one untouched from now on.
But you mustn't forget about the new chapter and that meaning you're closer to me! You'll have to let me know when you're back from Vancouver area, and I can maybe swing by Vermizzle before the routine begins to set in too much again.
Plus I just wanted to point out that with the letters that I had to "verify" this comment, I can spell "Ya Sexx"

5:31 PM  
Blogger Troy said...

I do indeed remember the 19th chapter, but we'll leave that one untouched from now on.
But you mustn't forget about the new chapter and that meaning you're closer to me! You'll have to let me know when you're back from Vancouver area, and I can maybe swing by Vermizzle before the routine begins to set in too much again.
Plus I just wanted to point out that with the letters that I had to "verify" this comment, I can spell "Ya Sexx"

5:34 PM  

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