Ooooh, look at me, blogging from work, aren’t I the rebel? Ok, well, I am a little bit, but due to no original or worthwhile thoughts passing through my head at this stage of the day, don’t expect much. Basically, I’m blogging so I can say I blogged from CP once, don’t tell my bosses though, they just gave me a raise. None of which I will be sharing with any bums in Calgary by the way. I may be justifiying my lack of concern for these people, but to me, when Jesus says help the needy, he means, widows, single mothers, families whose dad has had brain surgery and can’t work, ok, that was cheap, but it’s true, my parents church has helped them so much since this whole madness has taken my dad’s ability to work. Those are the needy that need to be helped, also, people in Africa (in case you were wondering who was typing this, it’s still me, I just read a book on Bono….great book by the way, intimate conversations with the man, rather then a “biography” based on hearsay and no actual conversation with the person, I hate those, I bought one on Bob Dylan, worst mistake of my life!
Anyway, life is going good. Getting ready for the big candidation weekend, not this weekend but next. Had a meeting with a friend today, to help me prepare, feeling better about the whole situation. Though, I will be most relieved when this whole process is over. It has given me no end in an amount of stress. Not that that is a sign the job isn’t for me, it’s just being overwhelmed with responsibility from all angles. Work, School, Home, Small Group, CANDIDATING. And Candidating is the one I care most about besides Home, though, School gets me to Candidating, and Work, gives me money to live, so I care about them too.
I’m also missing lots of friends. Yearning for the days, when I could skip school with my best friends, and play video games, eat junk food and listen to music, and watch scrubs. Those days are over, and my peeps are spread out all over the country-side and it is killing me now, cause I need their encouragement with this whole thing, and not by any fault of their own, they aren’t around. So in essence, I’m feeling like a lonely old fart. Speaking of Farts……wait till I get home and lie down on my bed. You know what I’m talking about….don’t you Troy!?
I think this is getting a little long, considering I am getting paid whilst doing this. Today, I bought the new John Mayer and Willie Nelson records. Cara if you are just finding out now that I bought both, I’m sorry, but think of the clothes….think of the clothes….Haven’t finished Mayers, but it seems darker then his previous stuff, with a focus on politics, and a depression and helplessness at the state of affairs of this world. Willie’s album is a Ryan Adams and the Cardinals album with Willie Nelson singing, so you know it has to be good. Is it a coincidence that Ryan Adams produces the record and the Cardinals are Willie’s band on the Album, I think not! It’s good. Willie’s cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Songbird” is quite nice considering it is a classic song that could never have a cover be as good as the original (props to Christine McVie), but it’s still good. Much better then his Leonard Cohen cover of “Hallelujah”. Also Willie closes the album with his rendition of Amazing Grace, it’s not as somber, or perhaps even just not as emotional as a church or group of people singing it, or whatever, but still a cool take, especially with the minute long guitar/Hammond organ solo in it, who would’ve thunk it eh?
Oh well, I gotta peace out. So Peace Out.
ps. Also, Tim and I had an awesome Saturday Night/Sunday Morning last weekend, i want to remember it forever, just like that weekend we watched Brokeback Mountain, except this time Troy was there, and Cara. It was a beautiful thing, and no, we did not get freaky when we watched Brokeback, so stop wondering.
Jon, thanks for the encouragement. In the last few days i have missed having my friends around, and going through all the same stuff as me at the same time...also, i would love to meet up with you, but i will not be done in V-town till evening sunday, and will need to get back asap, cause Cara works early monday morning. Another time perhaps we can accomplish this task
This getting old thing sucks sometimes, you know it, I know it. But I'm with you in spirit if not in person (or flatulance). I too have been missing the days of skipping class and playing video games, quite a lot this week actually.
Always feel free to holla, like you did this morning when you wanted to make sure I was alive after dreaming I died...You're not a prophet are you?
I don't think I'm a prophet, mostly cause you aren't dead, you aren't married to Carla, Colin and Kristi aren't at Christian Publications, and, also, I don't have some weird guy following me around thinking he's my best friend when i don't even like him...but mostly cause you aren't dead.
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