Word of the day: milieu
Since returning to this academic milieu, i have noticed two things. I like school better then my current finance raising position. and two, school till nine fifteen pm, is better the school at eight fifteen am.
In the meantime though, besides my academic pursuits, the possibility of this place pictured becoming my new home for financial pursuits has been moving to the forefront. Since my friend and former Mentor Kyle, resigned his position of Youth Pastor, i have been wondering, if i the job would come to me. Well it hasn't yet, but it might. Parkview Alliance Church in Vermilion has asked me to come and candidate for the position of Associate Pastor (mostly youth...right, thats what they all say!). But anyway, Cara and I have agreed. What this means is: I am the only person on the list for the job, so it's mine to lose. Well, in a way. You see, both sides of this process will be seeking Gods leading very seriously, and also, we will be looking at personality mixes and so on and so forth, practical things to decide whether or not this will be a good fit for both me and my family (aka Cara) as well as the church. The actual process of candidation will take place over a weekend in November, where among other things i will have to preach again, which is exciting because i like preaching, but also a little freaky cause i don't know what to preach on, but i have some time to figure it out. Well, it would appear that i have some time, but really my life is so busy right now, it's quite annoying. Adding in Homework may have been a bad decision but a neccesary one since i am hoping to graduate at some point (aka: April 2007, but i will be done classes forever in Dec. 06. Woo Hoo). So if the Vermilion thing goes through then i will be starting in January, which is a particularly cold month, so i don't look forward to moving during that time, but what has to be done has to be done right? Hopefully we can get a moving company, that would be preferable, cause then all we have to do is box everything up and meet the movers at the house, which would be something else to consider, where will we live? Possibly at her parents other house, or maybe not, or maybe at her parents house for a short time, and then take the house that her brother and sister are living in now, but think they will be out of by July. Who Knows. Way to much on my mind for something that hasn't even happened yet, but these are the things i think about and usually supress, so everyone thinks i'm not thinking ahead too much and acting mental. Well, now the secrets out. Speaking of which, i have some personal business to attend to before i make it to my second class, so you will have to excuse me. Wait before I go, Cara and I are going to a Canucks game tomorrow night. Yes, it is pre-season, and yes, i won't get to see Luongo, Naslund, The Sedins, Linden, Ohlund, or even the very expensive Ryan Kesler, but i will get to see Luc Bourdon, our star defenseman prospect. I'm not too worried about seeing all the vets in action, there will be time for that before i leave Calgary again (which by the way, i am looking forward to) i am just happy to see an NHL game of hockey, because i love hockey, and when it's not being played i am like a starving little mexican person lost in the desert with no water, no life giving substance, trying to make it to September all the way from June without the thing which he loves almost the most. Anyway, Hockey's back and so my disposition will be cheerier in real life, unless the Canucks suck hard, then i will be sad, but i will love them anyway, speaking of which, maybe i should blog my predictions. You guys would be interested in that right!? haha
The Shaolin.
Song of the day: The Man - Pete Yorn. From his latest album, features vocals from the Dixie Chicks, nice touch Pete. Check it out, for old times sake.
Hey Mike,
It feels like forever since I've been in the blogging world. You'll do well in wherever God leads you. If you land in Vermilion (which I hope you do) then all the other details will fall into place.
Hey Friends,
I knew if i left this blog long enough, someone would think of some sort of clever response, and Jon, your "Friends" metaphor was smashing. Although, I don't think you would be Chandler in this situation....as far as my statement about being my job to lose, i think it had to do more with my own insecurities and fears that i could somehow blow this, but thanks for the good word...
Also, thanks Kyle, it does my heart good to know you are cool with this, not that i thought you wouldn't be, but it is still good to know.
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