Back to School
So, i haven't blogged in a while. I hate opening my blogs like that. Late nights, and early mornings prevent me from spending too much time on the old internetski, so my blogging has suffered. Enough of that.
Today is and was my first day of classes. Also my only day of classes every week. I do slightly enjoy being back, but in a way that helps me press on towards the goal of completeing my schooling. The only class i have had so far today was pastoral councelling, and i can tell already, that it is going to be a challenging course. Challenging in that it will cause me to really do some soul searching and then take that honest soul searching (and psycho anyalizing) and put it down on paper for my prof and in some instances, my classmates to see. Tough, since i am realizing how guarded i may actually be even to myself. I guess you could say that todays role playing in class, and just talking about the role of cousellors has freaked me out, but also it has made me realize how ineffective i am, and how significant this type of a ministry is, and thus how much i need to rely on God for anything worthwhile to come out of this type of a ministry or opportunity. (i need to rely on God completely i decided). Other people's lives and psyche's (rhymes with Nike's) are in our hands and i feel not only unworthy, but scared to death to make a wrong move. Thank God for his Spirit, which leads us and guides us and works through us.
My second class is Psychology of the Family, and i am not expecting much from it, but i guess we shall see. I also have to stay until 9:15pm, which i find gay, but also, i'm thankfult that my classes are just one day a week so i can continue to work and help pay the bills. Speaking of bill paying people behind me are talking and i can't concentrate. It's kind of weird, cause ususally i can block it out, but apperantly not today. So i need to bring this blog to an end, because i'm losing focus. Hope you are all well, and are reassured that i am not dead.
ps. it's september does that make you feel?
so glad you're not dead, mike. oh school. enough said
Gerry Hall!
Nice o hear from you. I as well started school up again and when I got my classes I was a little overwelmed. I sat a read today for the first for like 5 hours straight to get a good start and I am done...
It was alot to process and I did it to fast.
I was aso thinking about today as it was Sept. 11 2006 writting the date on the till tapes at work. I did't think to much of it, but felt compelled to pray.
Well my friend take care and keep them coming...
PS the word verification was wgnmmpps the longest one I have seen yet.
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