There's this song by Radiohead...
Like I was saying, there is this song by Radiohead, on the album "OK Computer" called (stratigically enough) "Fitter Happier". And you know those old Mac computers we used in early elementary school that could read back to you what you were typing in a sweet computer voice, and you would type bad words and it would read them and you and your friends would laugh? Well Radiohead employed a similar if not identical voice in this "stream of conciousness rambling lyrical beautificant masterpiece". I was trying to find something that would allow you to copy the following text of mine into such a device in order to get a real feel for what i am trying to do. Basically, like that Radiohead song, i am going to give you a stream of concioussness report of what i have done since i last even thought about blogging. If anyone finds such a program please let me know. That would be grand, if we don't find such a program, use your god given imaginations which has practically collapsed under years of television, video game and media programming which unconciously teach us not to think for ourselves, and imagine how it would sound being read by such a program.
Car Ride, Set Up Arena, Consoling Wife, doing what i am told, stress levels rising, rehearse the real event, wedding, food, dancing to lame DJ music choices, sleep bad, money and presents, watch others clean and pretend to help, do what i am told, last minute errands, car ride again, more stress, unload car, sleep good, spend other peoples money, satisfy matierialistic cravings, eat, clean, laundry three times a day, eat, blog sleep, wake up go to work.
sounds like a good time doesn't it. Well it was and you should've been there, unless you weren't invited, we had a big enough crowd as it was.
ps. also it would seem i erased Kyle Keller from my blog links, i didn't mean to, and the situation will be recitifed shortly......wrecked em'? damn near killed em!
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