Are you going to Samuelize?
So yesterday as I was drifting off to sleep, a couple thoughts occurred to me. 1. Why don’t I talk about Carmen Smid more? 2. Do other religions (Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism ect) have bookstores. I mean in the way that Christianity has bookstores devoted to the selling of Christian writings and resources, do people of the Islam faith, or Buddhist people have a Buddhist Book Store. After I wondered about that, I wondered if these other religions have western counterpart authors. For instance, is there a Muslim version of Brian McLaren, opening the eyes of the Muslim people to a post-modern take on their faith; is there a Buddhist James Dobson, who wants Buddhists to focus more on the family? Is there a Hindu version of Rick Warren trying to get Hindu’s to be more Purpose Driven in their attempts to get good Karma?The thought is more comical then anything else to me, but I am guessing there are, but we don’t see them here because those aren’t the dominant religions of North America. I was thinking about it last night, how you can throw a stone in any direction these days and hit some sort of Christian bookstore, even in Indonesia Matt Russell was able to get “A Generous Orthodoxy” right when it came out or soon thereafter. Incredible I say. But why aren’t there any Muslim Bookstores? I suppose that a Muslim bookstore wouldn’t be able to sustain profit, just because of the seemingly few Muslims (in comparison to evangelical Christians) in Canada. More then that though, I think that other religions haven’t bought into this idea that we need all these books and cd’s and other materials to sustain our faith. Not that we all use Christian books and materials to do that but some do. I’m not sure where I am going with this, and it’s starting to sound like I am bashing corporate Christianity and that’s not what I intended so I am going to put a stop to this before it even gets started.
So, yesterday was my day off, I spent it sleeping. I slept till 11am, which I didn’t mean to do, but I just kept sleeping and sleeping so I must’ve needed it, I certainly did enjoy it! Then I got in my beast of a car and drove to Lloydminster with the expressed purpose (props to me having a purpose driven day!) of depositing money into my bank account which can only be accessed in Lloydminster seeing as Vermilion is without a Royal Bank, or RBC as they prefer to be called. I might switch away from RBC in the not to distant future though because they decided to deny me a Credit Card, although I realize it’s not really their fault, it’s the fault of the government and they’re faulty system that told them that I needed to pay back my loan which I did not. So I hadn’t been paying this loan, which I didn’t know I was supposed to be, because I wasn’t supposed to be, and so the bank thought I was a bad person as far as credit goes, which is totally not true, thus I am denied a credit card. I will reapply now, because the situation has been rectified and I should be eligible now. I don’t have much else to talk about today, I finally finished my Brian McLaren book, and look forward to starting something new.
The song of the day is a beauty by Fleetwood Mac. “Songbird” is the ultimate as far as offerings from Christine McVie go, and this is a top notch song. Fleetwood Mac is a humongously awesome band, and “Songbird” is a soulful and beautiful song that I could listen to all day long. People say Stevie Nicks puts you under a spell, well Christine McVie takes me to a euphoric state with her soft English voice and tender and heartfelt lyrics. This is a wonderful song, so if you have the means you should check it out, even if you don’t have the desire you should check it out. Peace, Love and Props to all of you who read, and especially to you my number one fan!
Yes, we Buddhists are very focused on our families, so, we actually don't need a James Dobson. "Focus on the family" to us means being mindful in the family.
On the other hand, James Dobson, well, he's not a Buddhist. Yet.
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