Tuesday, October 16, 2007

dangerous time (lovers in a)

so i'm back to blog again.
And i'm listening to music on my itunes. And because of this, soon, someone will come into the office to work, and i will either have to turn itunes completely off, or turn the volume so low that i won't be able to hear it anyway, but while i've got the time, i'm going to listen to the tuneage.

and to answer your question Jon, nothing yet has happened with Vermilion Idol, i performed live on the radio last week with my death cold, butchered "Mr. Jones" by the Crows, due to my inability to keep time, and actually hear myself. I did an alright rendition of "Every Rose...." which really is my bread and butter song, but even with that song, i didn't do it perfectly. Oh well, thank God no one heard that radio performance because it's a new crappy radio station.

and what did i tell you, someone is here, and there goes my music.

maybe i will just shut my door...but then i feel closed off an unaccessable. Oh well, maybe today i need to be closed off and unaccessable.

so basically today, well, sorta today, sorta sunday, i had what i will from hence to forth refer to as my first ministry wound. Not to say that my senior pastor leaving within six months of my arrival didn't hurt, but this was differant. I'm not going to go into much detail, because people who know people might read my blog, but the bottom line is....i felt horribly betrayed and pained by the actions of people in my church family against me. It was a weird feeling, definitly not the same as when Shawn left....though that sucked too, but this was differant...someone i care about, and have tried to invest in went behind my back and over my head to deal with a problem they have with a decision i made. It sucks. It's the kind of feeling that honestly makes me question i would ever want such a job, the kind of feeling that makes you wonder if it's really worth it. Not that i am going to quit over this incident, but it really makes you think.

So, needless to say, i'm not having a great day.

But, in other news, i have finally started watching Smallville season six. I'm 12 episodes in, and for the most part, quite satisfied with how things are progressing, although, it seems that things are going to go back to a Clark and Lana storyline, which to be honest makes me sick, because i am tired of Clark and Lana, and we all know they don't get together in the end anyway. But Smallville has made me feel better, you should've seen how pumped up i got after i put the dvd in and the theme music started playing, i started jumping and dancing and singing....it made my heart feel good.

So what else is going on? I read a book called "All for Jesus". It's a history of the Christian and Missionary Alliance from 1887 to 1987. I liked it, for some reason, i just devour Alliance History books. Anyway, it got me thinking. Have we lost some of the good stuff that A.B. Simpson founder of the C&MA) held dear in the Alliance today? I mean, sure, he didn't want to start a new denomination, and we did that, but i am thinking more about the doctrine of divine healing. Divine Healing was a huge part of Dr. Simpson's faith, and a big part of the worldview that shaped people who were seriously associated with the Alliance. Now, not only do we not talk about it, we don't even really believe in it....well at least it seems that way. In the local church settings that i have been apart of (all Christian and Missionary Alliance) there have been very few references to divine healing. I've heard very few to zero sermons on the subject, and yet, we still claim to believe in it, we have to believe in it to be ordained. But then i guess there is a differance in what we say we believe and what we practise even at the basest levels. But then again, the Alliance is not very organized in a way. I mean i'm in some ways thankful that the national and district offices don't legislate things, but as pastors in the Alliance, should we not ourselves be taking a serious look at some of these beliefs that brought our denomination to where they are today and putting them into practise in our churches, especially if our levels of leadership give us the freedom to do so, even if they don't mandate or push us to do so? I don't know, i don't see myself leading a healing service anytime soon, but maybe we should be thinking about what we say we believe, and then actually how we live and what we teach or ignore teaching in our churches.

And it's not just divine healing. We were known as an organization devoted to a deeper life in Christ, and, it seems to me that we (not just in the Alliance) are not preaching a gospel or challenging people to take thier faith to that next level. Many churches preach airy-fairy messages that don't seek to change people's lives. Not that we alone can do that, obviously the Spirit takes a huge role in that, but we as preachers need to trust the spirit, and speak the hard truths that some churches seem to want to ignore in favor of being esthetically pleasing or "seeker sensitive". This is getting long. I don't want to be part of a church or denomination that is more concerned with pleasing people then speaking the truth of the Gospel in order to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And i don't mean doing it in a way that puts people down, a "holier then thou" attitude, i want to be part of a church or denomination that preaches grace, and love, but also repentance and forgiveness, and baptism, and evangelism. And we do, to a certain extent....i just feel like we've lost or cut off some of the roots that made the Alliance as strong as it once was....i think if i asked every person in my congregation what they knew abvout the Alliance, i feel like almost no one would know anything about doctrine or beliefs or mission other then we "don't ordain women".....and that doesn't seem right to me. So more then likely we as local churches have dropped the ball in this area, but maybe it's time to pick the ball back up.

and i was about to publish this when a song by Derek Webb came on, and i felt the need to share they lyrics with you....here they are...it just hit me....and i needed to share... it's called "I Repent"...ps. did you know Kyle Keller met Derek Webb....lucky!

"i repent, i repent of my pursuit of america's dream
i repent, i repent of living like i deserve anything
of my house, my fence, my kids, my wife
in our suburb where we're safe and white
i am wrong and of these things i repent

i repent, i repent of parading my liberty
i repent. i repent of paying for what i get for free
and for the way i believe that i am living right
by trading sins for others that are easier to hide
i am wrong and of these things i repent

i repent judging by a law that even i can't keep
of wearing righteousness like a disguise
to see through the planks in my own eyes

i repent, i repent of trading truth for false unity
i repent, i repent of confusing peace and idolatry
by caring more of what they think than what i know of what we need
by domesticating you until you look just like me
i am wrong and of these things i repent"


Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

hello there, I need your support on my updated post, pls leave me comment. Thank you very much! mind my language..broken English

9:04 PM  
Blogger Kieran said...

good stuff...Ministry does suck some times...right? Anyway I hope that you and Cara are doing great, maybe I will see you around Christmas or new years time....the word verification that I have to type is SUKVS.

11:42 AM  

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